Penn Arts & Sciences Logo



ENGL0010.001 - Introduction to Shakespeare - Zachary Lesser MW 10:15-11:44am
ENGL0022.601 - Study of a Theme: Life Writing - Batsheva Ben-Amos Wednesday 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL0090.001 - Business and Literature - Jed Esty MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL0300.301 - Medieval Worlds (First Year Seminar) - Emily Steiner TR 10:15-11:44am
ENGL0510.401 - National Epics - David Wallace MW 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL0540.401 - Literary Theory Ancient to Modern - Rita Copeland MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL0590.401 - Arts of Abolition and Liberation - Julia Alekseyeva, Chi-ming Yang Monday 10:15am-1:14pm
ENGL0593.401 - The Animation of Disney - Linda Simensky Monday 3:30-6:29pm
ENGL1670.301 - Data Science for the Humanities - J. D. Porter TR 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL1820.301 - 18th-Century British Poetry - Chi-ming Yang MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL2071.401 - When was Modernism? - Jean-Michel Rabaté TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL2082.401 - American Literature in the Cold War - Catherine Turner TR 10:15-11:44am
ENGL2092.401 - The Kelly Writers House Fellows Seminar - Al Filreis Monday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL2663.402 - Spiegel-Wilks Seminar - Emily Zimmerman Wednesday 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL2879.401 - Acting Shakespeare - Sarah Doherty MW 12-1:29pm
ENGL2911.401 - American Independents - Meta Mazaj TR 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL2951.401 - Virtual Reality Lab - Peter Decherney Friday 12-2:59pm
ENGL3201.301 - Flash Fiction Workshop - Weike Wang Monday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL3208.301 - Advanced Fiction Writing: Short Fiction - Max Apple Tuesday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL3300.301 - Creative Nonfiction Workshop - Anna Badkhen Thursday 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL3351.301 - Writing About Mental Health and Addiction - Stephen Fried Monday 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL3355.301 - Memoir Workshop - Lise Funderburg Monday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL3400.301 - Journalistic Writing: Exploring the Genre - Matt Katz Monday 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL3408.301 - Long-Form Journalism - Dick Polman Wednesday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL3502.301 - Writing and Borders - Ahmad Almallah Wednesday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL3600.401 - Screenwriting Workshop - Kathleen DeMarco Van Cleve Monday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL3600.402 - Screenwriting Workshop - Scott F Burkhardt Thursday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL3601.401 - Advanced Screenwriting - Kathleen DeMarco Van Cleve Wednesday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL3603.401 - Writing for Television - Scott F Burkhardt Wednesday 5:15-8:14pm



ENGL0039.401 - Narrative Across Cultures - Ania Loomba MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL0159.401 - Gender and Society - Beans Velocci TRF 12:00-12:59pm
ENGL0402.302 - First Year Seminar: Kelly Writers House - Julia Bloch Thursday 10:15am-1:15pm
ENGL0506.301 - Virginia Woolf - Paul Saint-Amour MW 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL0519.401 - Partition and the Making of South Asia - Suvir Kaul Thursday 12-2:59pm
ENGL0785.401 - Queer Archives, Aesthetics, and Performance - Brooke O'Harra Monday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL1140.001 - Modern America - Nancy Bentley MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1179.401 - World Literature - Department Staff TBA
ENGL1190.401 - Introduction to Postcolonial Literatures - Sara Kazmi TR 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL1261.401 - Radical Arts in the Americas - Jennifer Ponce de León MW 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL1650.401 - Introduction to Digital Humanities - Whitney Trettien Monday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL1740.401 - Woolf and Eliot in Dialogue - Jean-Michel Rabaté TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL1830.001 - Modern and Contemporary U.S. Poetry - Al Filreis TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1860.001 - Witchcraft and the Occult - Becky S. Friedman MW 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL2041.301 - Romantic Book, Romantic Media - Michael Gamer MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL2050.301 - What is Realism? - Emily Steinlight TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL2250.401 - W.E.B. Du Bois - Simone White Thursday 10:15am-1:14pm
ENGL2270.401 - Race and Asian American Literature - Josephine Park MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL2530.301 - The Literature of Care - Aaron Levy Monday 12-2:59pm
ENGL2860.401 - Sex with Shakespeare - Abdulhamit Arvas TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL2933.401 - Japanese Cinema - Julia Alekseyeva Monday 3:30-6:29pm
ENGL3202.301 - Speculative Fiction - Abbey Mei Otis Wednesday 5:15-8:15pm
ENGL3208.301 - Advanced Fiction Writing: Short Fiction - Max Apple Tuesday 1:45-4:45pm
ENGL3303.301 - Narrative Nonfiction: The Art of Experience - Jay Kirk Wednesday 5:15-8:15pm
ENGL3306.401 - Writing and Politics - Lorene Cary Monday 5:15-8:15pm
ENGL3308.301 - Cooking with Words - Gabrielle Hamilton Tuesday 1:45-4:45pm
ENGL3350.301 - Long-Form Reported Nonfiction - Buzz Bissinger R 5:15-8:15pm & F 1:45-4:45pm
ENGL3411.301 - The Arts and Popular Culture - Anthony DeCurtis Thursday 1:45-4:45pm
ENGL3421.301 - Political Journalism: The Presidential Election - Dick Polman Wednesday 1:45-4:45pm
ENGL3501.401 - Writing and Witnessing - Syd Zolf Wednesday 3:30-6:30pm
ENGL3600.401 - Screenwriting Workshop - Kathleen DeMarco Van Cleve Monday 1:45-4:45pm
ENGL3600.402 - Screenwriting Workshop - Scott F Burkhardt Wednesday 1:45-4:45pm
ENGL3600.403 - Screenwriting Workshop - Scott F Burkhardt Wednesday 5:15-8:15pm
ENGL3601.401 - Advanced Screenwriting - Kathleen DeMarco Van Cleve Wednesday 1:45-4:45pm
ENGL3603.401 - Writing for Television - Scott F Burkhardt Thursday 5:15-8:15pm
ENGL4097.301 - Honors Thesis Seminar - Chi-ming Yang Wednesday 1:45-4:44pm


ENGL0159.920 - Gender and Society - Department Staff TR 5:15-9:05pm
ENGL1179.910 - World Literature - Department Staff Monday 7:00-9:00pm
ENGL1900.910 - World Film History to 1945 - Hugo Salas MW 12:00-3:50pm
ENGL1901.920 - World Film History 1945-Present - Department Staff TR 10:15am-1:50pm


ENGL0022.601 - The Global Novel - Avni Sejpal Monday 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL0060.001 - Law and Literature - Nancy Bentley MWF 10:15-11:14am
ENGL0159.401 - Gender and Society - Rosed Serrano MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL0510.401 - National Epics - David Wallace MW 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL0593.401 - The Animation of Disney - Linda Simensky Monday 3:30-6:29pm
ENGL1040.401 - Jane Austen Remix - Barri Joyce Gold TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL1111.001 - Modern Irish Literature - Jed Esty MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL1190.401 - Introduction to Postcolonial Literature - Sara Kazmi MW 12-1:29pm
ENGL1271.401 - American Musical Theatre - David Fox MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1509.401 - Science and Literature - Kathryn Dorsch MW 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL1600.001 - Cultures of the Book - Whitney Trettien MW 10:15-11:44am
ENGL1670.301 - Data Science for the Humanities - J. D. Porter MW 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL1900.401 - World Film History to 1945 - Ian Fleishman MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1900.402 - World Film History to 1945 - Hugo Salas TR 3:30-4:59
ENGL1901.401 - World Film History 1945-Present - Julia Alekseyeva MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL1901.402 - World Film History 1945-Present - Sasha Dilan Krugman Thursday 12-2:59pm
ENGL1950.401 - Television and New Media - Knar Gavin MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL1950.601 - Television and New Media - Department Staff Wedesday 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL2010.301 - Old English Language and Literature - Caroline Batten TR 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL2092.401 - Kelly Writers House Fellows Seminar - Simone White Monday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL2879.401 - Acting Shakespeare - Jennifer Thompson TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL2930.401 - Transnational Cinema - Meta Mazaj TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL2942.401 - Romantic Comedy - Meta Mazaj TR 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL3100.301 - Poetry Workshop - Ron Silliman W 1:45-4:45pm
ENGL3201.301 - Fiction Workshop: Flash Fiction - Weike Wang M 1:45-4:45pm
ENGL3208.301 - Advanced Fiction Workshop: Short Fiction - Max Apple T 1:45-4:45pm
ENGL3306.401 - Writing and Politics - Lorene Cary W 1:45-4:45pm
ENGL3355.301 - Memoir Workshop - Lise Funderburg M 1:45-4:45pm
ENGL3410.301 - Writing from Photographs - Paul Hendrickson M 1:45-4:45pm



ENGL0039.401 - Narrative Across Cultures - Ania Loomba MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL0040.601 - The Twentieth Century: Whose American Dream? - Thomas Collins Tuesday 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL0051.401 - Community Writing: Post-COVID University - Zita Cristina Nunes Monday 10:15-1:14pm
ENGL0159.401 - Gender and Society - Department Staff TR 12pm-12:59pm
ENGL0509.401 - Dante's Divine Comedy - Department Staff MW 12pm-1:29pm
ENGL0590.401 - Cinema and Politics - Rita Barnard MW 10:15-11:44am
ENGL0590.402 - Cinema and Politics - Rita Barnard TR 10:15-11:44am
ENGL0594.401 - History of Children's TV - Linda Simensky Monday 3:30-6:29
ENGL1009.401 - Classical Traditions - Department Staff TR 1:45pm-3:14pm
ENGL1021.401 - Shakespeare in Love - Becky S. Friedman MW 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL1120.401 - Literature of the Americas to 1900 - David Kazanjian TR 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL1140.001 - Modern America - Rita Barnard TR 10:15-11:44am
ENGL1260.401 - Latinx Literature and Culture - Jennifer Ponce de León MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL1261.401 - Radical Arts in the Americas - Jennifer Ponce de León MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1270.401 - Introduction to Asian American Literature - Josephine Park MWF 10:15-11:14am
ENGL1295.401 - Italian History on the Table - Eva Del Soldato MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1400.401 - Introduction to Literary Theory: Ideology - David L. Eng Tuesday 12-2:59pm
ENGL1425.401 - Freud's Objects - Liliane Weissberg MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1449.401 - War and Representation - Mariana irby MW 10:15-11:44am
ENGL1710.001 - The Novel and Other Institutions - Emily Steinlight TR 10:15-11:44am
ENGL1820.301 - 18th-Century British Poetry - Chi-ming Yang TR 10:15-11:44am
ENGL1900.401 - World Film History to 1945 - Chenshu Zhou MW 1:45-3:14
ENGL1900.402 - World Film History to 1945 - Hugo Salas TR 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL1901.401 - World Film History 1945-present - Meta Mazaj TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL1901.601 - World Film History 1945-Present - Sasha Dilan Krugman Monday 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL1950.401 - Television and New Media - Rahul Mukherjee W 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL2000.401 - Epic Tradition - Rita Copeland TR 10:15-11:44am
ENGL2080.401 - Representations of the Holocaust - Al Filreis TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL2082.401 - Nuclear Fictions - Paul Saint-Amour TR 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL2140.301 - Literature of New York City - Nancy Bentley MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL2222.401 - August Wilson and Beyond - Suzana Berger MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL2275.401 - The Chinese Body and Spatial Consumption in Chinatown - Ken Lum Tuesday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL2530.301 - Literature of Care - Aaron Levy M 12:00-2:59pm
ENGL2933.401 - Japanese Cinema - Julia Alekseyeva M 12:00-2:59pm
ENGL2934.401 - Cinema and Socialism - Julia Alekseyeva T 12:00-2:59pm
ENGL4097.301 - Honors Thesis Seminar - Dagmawi Woubshet T 12-2:59pm


ENGL0050.910 - Sex and Power in the US - Matty Hemming MW 5:15-7:45pm
ENGL0159.920 - Gender and Society - Elizabeth Rose TR 12-3:59
ENGL1179.910 - World Literature - Akhil Puthiyadath Veetil Monday 7-8:59pm
ENGL1900.910 - World Film History to 1945 - Joseph Coppola MW 12-3:50pm
ENGL1901.920 - World Film History 1945-Present - Anat Dan TR 10:15-1:49