ENGL Literary Theory and Cultural Studies
ENGL0160.401 - Introduction to Sexuality and Queer Theory - Eva Pensis MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL0341.301 - Imperials v. Rebels (First Year Seminar) - Sara Kazmi MW 1:45pm-3:15pm
ENGL0510.401 - National Epics - David Wallace MW 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL0525.301 - Black Style: Fashions, Fictions, and Films of the 1920s - Zita Cristina Nunes Monday 3:30pm-6:29pm
ENGL0540.401 - Literary Theory Ancient to Modern - Rita Copeland MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL0775.301 - The Living Dead - Melissa Jensen TR 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL0784.401 - Anne Carson and the Unclassifiable Text - Taije Silverman TR 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL1430.401 - From the Uncanny to Horror: Film and Psychoanalysis - Jean-Michel Rabaté TR 7:00-8:29pm
ENGL1460.401 - World Socialist Literature and Film - Kevin M.F. Platt TR 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL1595.401 - Science: Fiction, Fact, and Fantasy - Barri Joyce Gold TR 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL1970.001 - Dark Academia - Caroline Batten MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL2161.401 - Imagining New Futures: Science Fiction and the Fantastic in South Asian Literature - Nudrat Kamal MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL2190.401 - The Indian English Novel: From Colony to Nation - Sara Kazmi TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL2272.401 - In/Visible: Asian American Cultural Critique - Bakirathi Mani Wednesday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL2300.401 - Queer Poetry from Homer to Hughes - Melissa E. Sanchez TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL2380.401 - Growing Up Queer: Coming of Age in Contemporary Literature - Javier Samper Vendrell TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL2415.401 - Fascism and Anti-Fascism - Jennifer Ponce de León Tuesday 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL2663.401 - Spiegel-Wilks Seminar: The Art of Care at the Barnes Foundation - Aaron Levy Monday 1:45am-3:44pm
ENGL2663.402 - Spiegel-Wilks Seminar - Emily Zimmerman Wednesday 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL5045.401 - Film, Revolution, and the 1960s - Julia Alekseyeva Thursdays 10:15-1:14pm
ENGL5725.401 - Songs of Dissent: African American Poetry in the 21st Century - Herman Beavers Mondays 1:45-4:44pm
SPAN5965.401 - Anticolonialism & Marxism - Jennifer Ponce de León Mondays 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL0160.401 - Introduction to Sexuality Studies and Queer Theory - Lauren Bakst MW 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL0201.301 - Voting Writes: An ABCS Course - Taije Silverman TR 10:15-11:44am
ENGL0340.301 - Scenes of Teaching (First Year Seminar) - Heather K. Love MW 10:15-11:44am
ENGL0525.301 - Black Style: Fashions, Fictions, and Films of the 1920s - Zita Cristina Nunes Thursday 3:30-6:29pm
ENGL0755.401 - Listening in Troubled Times (SNF Paideia Program Course) - Aaron Levy Wedesday 12-2:59pm
ENGL1056.401 - Sherlock in the Multiverse - Barri Joyce Gold TR 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL1190.401 - Introduction to Postcolonial Literatures - Sara Kazmi TR 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL1861.401 - Othello - Abdulhamit Arvas TR 10:15-11:44am
ENGL1890.401 - On the Stage and in the Streets: An Introduction to Performance Studies - Jennifer Thompson TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL2250.401 - W.E.B. Du Bois - Simone White Thursday 10:15am-1:14pm
ENGL2270.401 - Race and Asian American Literature - Josephine Park MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL2315.401 - Saints and Sex Demons - Caroline Batten TR 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL2666.401 - Algorithmic Ethics - Elizabeth C Scheyder MW 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL2943.401 - The Politics of Truth in the Global Documentary - Julia Alekseyeva Tuesday 12-2:59pm
ENGL2952.401 - Mobile Phone Cultures - Rahul Mukherjee MW 10:15-11:44am
ENGL5320.401 - After Dante's Divine Comedy: Transmission, Creative Adaptation, and Material Form - David Wallace Tuesday 8:30-11:29am
ENGL5415.401 - Orientalisms - Ania Loomba, Chi-ming Yang Tuesday 12:00-2:59pm
ENGL5995.401 - Digital Humanities Praxis - Whitney Trettien, Emily Steiner Wednesday 12:00-2:59pm
ENGL0160.401 - Introduction to Sexuality Studies and Queer Theory - Eva Pensis MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL0310.301 - Reading the City - Emily Steinlight TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL0365.401 - SPIEGEL-WILKS FIRST YEAR SEMINAR: The Art of Care - Aaron Levy Monday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL0391.301 - Dark Academia - Caroline Batten Monday 3:30-6:29pm
ENGL0510.401 - National Epics - David Wallace MW 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL0540.401 - History of Literary Criticism (Literary Theory Ancient to Modern) - Rita Copeland TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1180.401 - The Art of Revolution - Jennifer Ponce de León, Ricardo Bracho MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1190.401 - Introduction to Postcolonial Literature - Sara Kazmi MW 12-1:29pm
ENGL1430.401 - From the Uncanny to Horror: Film and Psychoanalysis - Jean-Michel Rabaté TR 7-8:29pm
ENGL1600.001 - Cultures of the Book - Whitney Trettien MW 10:15-11:44am
ENGL2270.401 - Race and Psychoanalysis: Asian Americans and Mental Health - David L. Eng Tuesday 12-2:59pm
ENGL2401.401 - Literature and Theory: Theories of World Literature - Max Cavitch TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL2402.401 - What is Capitalism? Theories of Marx and Marxism - David Kazanjian Wednesday 3:30-6:29pm
ENGL2420.401 - British Cinema: Film, Television, and Transatlantic Screen Culture - James English TR 10:15-11:44am
ENGL5030.640 - Transnational TV - Rahul Mukherjee Tuesday 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL5840.401 - Narrating Environment - Paul Saint-Amour Monday 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL5920.401 - Graphic Memoir - Julia Alekseyeva Tuesday 12:00-2:59pm
ENGL5935.301 - Art/Work and the Question of Autonomy - Emily Steinlight Thursday 10:15am-1:14pm
ENGL5945.401 - Nationalism, Globalism, and Literary Form - David Wallace Tuesday 8:30-11:29am
ENGL5960.401 - Marxism - David Kazanjian, Jennifer Ponce de León Tuesday 5:15-8:14 pm
ENGL0160.401 - Introduction to Sexuality Studies and Queer Theory - Department Staff MW 10:15am-11:44am
ENGL0578.401 - The Contemporary Graphic Novel - Jean-Christophe Cloutier TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL0755.401 - SNF Paideia Course: Listening in Troubled Times - Aaron Levy Wednesday 12-2:59pm
ENGL1056.401 - Sherlock in the Multiverse - Barri Joyce Gold TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL1093.301 - Contemporary US Poetry and Experimental Writing - Simone White TBA
ENGL1094.301 - Literature as a Marketplace - James English TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1145.301 - Rewriting American Classics - Nancy Bentley MW 12-1:29pm
ENGL1190.401 - Introduction to Postcolonial Literature - Department Staff TBA
ENGL1400.401 - Introduction to Literary Theory: Ideology - David L. Eng Tuesday 12-2:59pm
ENGL1425.401 - Freud's Objects - Liliane Weissberg MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1427.401 - Wild Things: Children’s Literature and the Psychoanalytic Study of the Child - Melissa Jensen MW 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL2135.401 - Trash: The Dime Novel - David Kazanjian Wednesday 3:30-6:29pm
ENGL2140.301 - Literature of New York City - Nancy Bentley MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL2145.401 - SNF Paideia Course: Failure to Communicate - Carlin Romano Monday 7-9:59pm
ENGL2190.401 - Postcolonial Literature Seminar - Department Staff TBA
ENGL2272.401 - In/Visible: Asian American Cultural Critique - Bakirathi Mani Wednesday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL2275.401 - The Chinese Body and Spatial Consumption in Chinatown - Ken Lum Tuesday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL2315.401 - Saints and Sex Demons - Caroline Batten TR 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL2390.401 - Clarice Lispector - Zita Cristina Nunes T 12-2:59pm
ENGL2403.401 - Marx’s Century - Emily Steinlight TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL2663.401 - Spiegel-Wilks Seminar: Curating Contemporary Art - Department Staff M 5:15pm-8:14pm
ENGL2934.401 - Cinema and Socialism - Julia Alekseyeva T 12:00-2:59pm
ENGL4517.401 - Love and Rockets: The Great American Comic Book (The One Series) - Natalia Reyes TR 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL5745.301 - Introduction to the Material Text - Whitney Trettien, Zachary Lesser Wednesday 10:15-1:14pm
ENGL5900.401 - Wet the Ropes: Splicing Philosophy and Literature - Jean-Michel Rabaté Wednesdays, 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL0160.401 - Introduction to Queer Theory - S. Pearl Brilmyer TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL0333.401 - Queer History and Theory - S. Pearl Brilmyer TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL0365.401 - Art and Reflection in Medicine: Barnes Foundation Curatorial Seminar - Aaron Levy Monday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL0540.401 - History of Literary Criticism - Rita Copeland TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1071.401 - Fashion and Modernity - Jean-Michel Rabaté TR 12-1:29
ENGL1600.001 - Cultures of the Book - Whitney Trettien MW 10:15-11:44am
ENGL1890.401 - On the Stage and in the Streets: An Introduction to Performance Studies - Jennifer Thompson TR 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL2145.401 - Failure to Communicate (SNF Paideia Program course) - Carlin Romano Tuesday 7-9:59pm
ENGL2192.401 - Narrating Survival - Sarah Ropp MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL2250.401 - Waywardness and Despair: Saidiya Hartman and Gayl Jones - Simone White Wednesday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL2261.401 - Capitalism, Racism & Revolt - Jennifer Ponce de León Monday 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL2402.401 - What Is Capitalism? Theories of Marx and Marxism - David Kazanjian Tuesday 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL2420.401 - British Cinema - James English TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL2596.401 - Remediating the Environment - Jane Robbins Mize MW 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL2841.401 - Mourning and Sexuality in the English Elegy - Max Cavitch MW 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL2881.401 - Climate Change and Theatre - Sarah Lucie Mondays 3:30-6:29pm
ENGL2935.401 - Culture on Trial: Race, Media & Intellectual Property - Joseph Coppola TR 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL5900.401 - Imperialism, Internationalism, Ideology - Jennifer Ponce de León Monday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL5980.401 - Histories of Race & Sexuality - Abdulhamit Arvas, Ania Loomba Wednesday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL5991.401 - Media, Platform, Experience - Rahul Mukherjee, Chenshu Zhou Thursday 10:15-1:14pm