Waywardness and Despair: Saidiya Hartman and Gayl Jones cancelled
ENGL 2250.401
also offered as: AFRC 2251
Wednesday 1:45-4:44pm
In this seminar, we will spend the first several weeks studying Saidiya Hartman’s masterwork: Scenes of Subjection. We will then proceed to her Wayward Lives and what Hilton Als has called the “not good” books of the novelist Gayl Jones, Mosquito, The Healing and Palmares. We will be attempting to find freedom where there is none, love where it cannot be had, community where there are only enemies. Assignments will consist of four 2-3 page response papers and rotating discussion leadership.
English Major Requirements
College Attributes
Foundational Approach: Cultural Diversity in US (AUCD)
last updated: January 10, 2023 - 9:27am