After Dante's Divine Comedy: Transmission, Creative Adaptation, and Material Form
This 5000-level seminar, co-taught by Marco Aresu (Italian) and David Wallace (English, Comparative Literature), considers how Dante deployed the tools of scribal culture to shape, signal, or layer meanings beyond those conveyed in his written texts. Medieval texts, uniquely positioned to provide such perspective, are foundational to theoretical understanding of new forms and materials in our media-saturated, contemporary world. We also later creative responses to Dante, especially in Irish and English, American and African contexts, and in poetry and prose, video and film. We will work from a parallel text, paying attention to the Italian but with no prior experience of the language required. Submat M.A. students may enroll in this class without permission. Advanced undergraduates interested in this course should request permission from the instructor and also submit a permit request via Path@Penn. |