undergraduate Courses
spring 2025sort by
Course Grouping | Course Attributes | Course Number
English Major Requirements
English Concentration Attributes
Literature Seminar pre-1700 (AEB7)
ENGL0010.001 - Introduction to Shakespeare - Zachary Lesser
ENGL0300.301 - Medieval Worlds (First Year Seminar) - Emily Steiner
ENGL0510.401 - National Epics - David Wallace
ENGL0540.401 - Literary Theory Ancient to Modern - Rita Copeland
ENGL0701.401 - Medieval Roadtrip: Reading and Writing with Chaucer - Emily Steiner
ENGL2879.401 - Acting Shakespeare - Sarah Doherty
Literature Seminar pre-1900 (AEB9)
ENGL0010.001 - Introduction to Shakespeare - Zachary Lesser
ENGL0305.301 - The Gothic (First Year Seminar) - Michael Gamer
ENGL0510.401 - National Epics - David Wallace
ENGL0540.401 - Literary Theory Ancient to Modern - Rita Copeland
ENGL0701.401 - Medieval Roadtrip: Reading and Writing with Chaucer - Emily Steiner
ENGL0775.301 - The Living Dead - Melissa Jensen
ENGL2060.301 - Sex, Scandal, and Sensation in Victorian Literature - Barri Joyce Gold
ENGL2061.301 - Victorian Action Heroes - Jed Esty
ENGL2300.401 - Queer Poetry from Homer to Hughes - Melissa E. Sanchez
ENGL2879.401 - Acting Shakespeare - Sarah Doherty
ENGL4508.301 - Moby-Dick (The One Series) - Peter Emanuel Diamond
ENGL4510.301 - Pride and Prejudice Across The Globe (The One Series) - Jacob Myers
Sector 1 Theory and Poetics (AETP)
ENGL0010.001 - Introduction to Shakespeare - Zachary Lesser
ENGL0160.401 - Introduction to Sexuality and Queer Theory - Eva Pensis
ENGL0540.401 - Literary Theory Ancient to Modern - Rita Copeland
ENGL0590.401 - Arts of Abolition and Liberation - Julia Alekseyeva, Chi-ming Yang
ENGL0701.401 - Medieval Roadtrip: Reading and Writing with Chaucer - Emily Steiner
ENGL0784.401 - Anne Carson and the Unclassifiable Text - Taije Silverman
ENGL1055.401 - British Fiction, Austen to Hardy - Emily Steinlight
ENGL1300.401 - Queer Politics, Queer Communities - S. Pearl Brilmyer, Heather K. Love
ENGL1430.401 - From the Uncanny to Horror: Film and Psychoanalysis - Jean-Michel Rabaté
ENGL1460.401 - World Socialist Literature and Film - Kevin M.F. Platt
ENGL1595.401 - Science: Fiction, Fact, and Fantasy - Barri Joyce Gold
ENGL1670.301 - Data Science for the Humanities - J. D. Porter
ENGL1820.301 - 18th-Century British Poetry - Chi-ming Yang
ENGL1970.001 - Dark Academia - Caroline Batten
ENGL2082.401 - American Literature in the Cold War - Catherine Turner
ENGL2092.401 - The Kelly Writers House Fellows Seminar - Al Filreis
ENGL2190.401 - The Indian English Novel: From Colony to Nation - Sara Kazmi
ENGL2272.401 - In/Visible: Asian American Cultural Critique - Bakirathi Mani
ENGL2300.401 - Queer Poetry from Homer to Hughes - Melissa E. Sanchez
ENGL2663.402 - Spiegel-Wilks Seminar - Emily Zimmerman
ENGL2665.401 - Fakes, Forgeries and Forensics in Digital Media - Elizabeth C Scheyder
ENGL2879.401 - Acting Shakespeare - Sarah Doherty
Sector 2 Difference and Diaspora (AEDD)
ENGL0012.401 - Toni Morrison and the Adventure of the 21st Century - Herman Beavers
ENGL0022.601 - Study of a Theme: Life Writing - Batsheva Ben-Amos
ENGL0160.401 - Introduction to Sexuality and Queer Theory - Eva Pensis
ENGL0300.301 - Medieval Worlds (First Year Seminar) - Emily Steiner
ENGL0341.301 - Imperials v. Rebels (First Year Seminar) - Sara Kazmi
ENGL0510.401 - National Epics - David Wallace
ENGL0775.301 - The Living Dead - Melissa Jensen
ENGL1200.401 - Introduction to African American Literature - Dagmawi Woubshet
ENGL1300.401 - Queer Politics, Queer Communities - S. Pearl Brilmyer, Heather K. Love
ENGL1460.401 - World Socialist Literature and Film - Kevin M.F. Platt
ENGL1970.001 - Dark Academia - Caroline Batten
ENGL2071.401 - When was Modernism? - Jean-Michel Rabaté
ENGL2190.401 - The Indian English Novel: From Colony to Nation - Sara Kazmi
ENGL2272.401 - In/Visible: Asian American Cultural Critique - Bakirathi Mani
ENGL2300.401 - Queer Poetry from Homer to Hughes - Melissa E. Sanchez
ENGL2415.401 - Fascism and Anti-Fascism - Jennifer Ponce de León
ENGL4510.301 - Pride and Prejudice Across The Globe (The One Series) - Jacob Myers
Sector 3 Medieval/Renaissance (AEMR)
ENGL0010.001 - Introduction to Shakespeare - Zachary Lesser
ENGL0300.301 - Medieval Worlds (First Year Seminar) - Emily Steiner
ENGL0510.401 - National Epics - David Wallace
ENGL0540.401 - Literary Theory Ancient to Modern - Rita Copeland
ENGL0701.401 - Medieval Roadtrip: Reading and Writing with Chaucer - Emily Steiner
ENGL2300.401 - Queer Poetry from Homer to Hughes - Melissa E. Sanchez
ENGL2879.401 - Acting Shakespeare - Sarah Doherty
Sector 4 Long 18th Century (AE18)
ENGL0305.301 - The Gothic (First Year Seminar) - Michael Gamer
ENGL0540.401 - Literary Theory Ancient to Modern - Rita Copeland
ENGL0775.301 - The Living Dead - Melissa Jensen
ENGL1820.301 - 18th-Century British Poetry - Chi-ming Yang
ENGL2300.401 - Queer Poetry from Homer to Hughes - Melissa E. Sanchez
Sector 5 19th Century (AE19)
ENGL0090.001 - Business and Literature - Jed Esty
ENGL0305.301 - The Gothic (First Year Seminar) - Michael Gamer
ENGL0540.401 - Literary Theory Ancient to Modern - Rita Copeland
ENGL0775.301 - The Living Dead - Melissa Jensen
ENGL1055.401 - British Fiction, Austen to Hardy - Emily Steinlight
ENGL1200.401 - Introduction to African American Literature - Dagmawi Woubshet
ENGL1300.401 - Queer Politics, Queer Communities - S. Pearl Brilmyer, Heather K. Love
ENGL1595.401 - Science: Fiction, Fact, and Fantasy - Barri Joyce Gold
ENGL1970.001 - Dark Academia - Caroline Batten
ENGL2060.301 - Sex, Scandal, and Sensation in Victorian Literature - Barri Joyce Gold
ENGL2061.301 - Victorian Action Heroes - Jed Esty
ENGL2300.401 - Queer Poetry from Homer to Hughes - Melissa E. Sanchez
ENGL4508.301 - Moby-Dick (The One Series) - Peter Emanuel Diamond
ENGL4510.301 - Pride and Prejudice Across The Globe (The One Series) - Jacob Myers
Sector 6 20th & 21st Centuries (AE20)
ENGL0012.401 - Toni Morrison and the Adventure of the 21st Century - Herman Beavers
ENGL0022.601 - Study of a Theme: Life Writing - Batsheva Ben-Amos
ENGL0090.001 - Business and Literature - Jed Esty
ENGL0160.401 - Introduction to Sexuality and Queer Theory - Eva Pensis
ENGL0341.301 - Imperials v. Rebels (First Year Seminar) - Sara Kazmi
ENGL0540.401 - Literary Theory Ancient to Modern - Rita Copeland
ENGL0590.401 - Arts of Abolition and Liberation - Julia Alekseyeva, Chi-ming Yang
ENGL0593.401 - The Animation of Disney - Linda Simensky
ENGL0775.301 - The Living Dead - Melissa Jensen
ENGL0784.401 - Anne Carson and the Unclassifiable Text - Taije Silverman
ENGL1055.401 - British Fiction, Austen to Hardy - Emily Steinlight
ENGL1200.401 - Introduction to African American Literature - Dagmawi Woubshet
ENGL1300.401 - Queer Politics, Queer Communities - S. Pearl Brilmyer, Heather K. Love
ENGL1430.401 - From the Uncanny to Horror: Film and Psychoanalysis - Jean-Michel Rabaté
ENGL1460.401 - World Socialist Literature and Film - Kevin M.F. Platt
ENGL1595.401 - Science: Fiction, Fact, and Fantasy - Barri Joyce Gold
ENGL1670.301 - Data Science for the Humanities - J. D. Porter
ENGL1970.001 - Dark Academia - Caroline Batten
ENGL2061.301 - Victorian Action Heroes - Jed Esty
ENGL2071.401 - When was Modernism? - Jean-Michel Rabaté
ENGL2082.401 - American Literature in the Cold War - Catherine Turner
ENGL2092.401 - The Kelly Writers House Fellows Seminar - Al Filreis
ENGL2190.401 - The Indian English Novel: From Colony to Nation - Sara Kazmi
ENGL2300.401 - Queer Poetry from Homer to Hughes - Melissa E. Sanchez
ENGL2415.401 - Fascism and Anti-Fascism - Jennifer Ponce de León
ENGL2663.402 - Spiegel-Wilks Seminar - Emily Zimmerman
ENGL2665.401 - Fakes, Forgeries and Forensics in Digital Media - Elizabeth C Scheyder
ENGL2911.401 - American Independents - Meta Mazaj
ENGL2951.401 - Virtual Reality Lab - Peter Decherney
20th-21st Century Concentration (AE21)
ENGL0012.401 - Toni Morrison and the Adventure of the 21st Century - Herman Beavers
ENGL0022.601 - Study of a Theme: Life Writing - Batsheva Ben-Amos
ENGL0090.001 - Business and Literature - Jed Esty
ENGL0160.401 - Introduction to Sexuality and Queer Theory - Eva Pensis
ENGL0341.301 - Imperials v. Rebels (First Year Seminar) - Sara Kazmi
ENGL0590.401 - Arts of Abolition and Liberation - Julia Alekseyeva, Chi-ming Yang
ENGL0593.401 - The Animation of Disney - Linda Simensky
ENGL0775.301 - The Living Dead - Melissa Jensen
ENGL0784.401 - Anne Carson and the Unclassifiable Text - Taije Silverman
ENGL1055.401 - British Fiction, Austen to Hardy - Emily Steinlight
ENGL1200.401 - Introduction to African American Literature - Dagmawi Woubshet
ENGL1430.401 - From the Uncanny to Horror: Film and Psychoanalysis - Jean-Michel Rabaté
ENGL1460.401 - World Socialist Literature and Film - Kevin M.F. Platt
ENGL1595.401 - Science: Fiction, Fact, and Fantasy - Barri Joyce Gold
ENGL1670.301 - Data Science for the Humanities - J. D. Porter
ENGL1970.001 - Dark Academia - Caroline Batten
ENGL2061.301 - Victorian Action Heroes - Jed Esty
ENGL2071.401 - When was Modernism? - Jean-Michel Rabaté
ENGL2082.401 - American Literature in the Cold War - Catherine Turner
ENGL2092.401 - The Kelly Writers House Fellows Seminar - Al Filreis
ENGL2190.401 - The Indian English Novel: From Colony to Nation - Sara Kazmi
ENGL2300.401 - Queer Poetry from Homer to Hughes - Melissa E. Sanchez
ENGL2415.401 - Fascism and Anti-Fascism - Jennifer Ponce de León
ENGL2663.402 - Spiegel-Wilks Seminar - Emily Zimmerman
ENGL2665.401 - Fakes, Forgeries and Forensics in Digital Media - Elizabeth C Scheyder
ENGL2911.401 - American Independents - Meta Mazaj
ENGL2951.401 - Virtual Reality Lab - Peter Decherney
Africana Literature & Culture Concentration (AEAC)
ENGL0012.401 - Toni Morrison and the Adventure of the 21st Century - Herman Beavers
ENGL0341.301 - Imperials v. Rebels (First Year Seminar) - Sara Kazmi
ENGL1200.401 - Introduction to African American Literature - Dagmawi Woubshet
Creative Writing Workshop Course Minor (AECW)
ENGL3010.301 - Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry and Fiction - Ahmad Almallah
ENGL3010.302 - Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry and Fiction - Andrew Smyth
ENGL3015.301 - Introduction to Creative Writing: Fiction and Journalism - Anna Badkhen
ENGL3027.301 - Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry and Life Writing - Laynie Browne
ENGL3102.401 - Attention Poetics - Julia Bloch
ENGL3201.301 - Flash Fiction Workshop - Weike Wang
ENGL3208.301 - Advanced Fiction Writing: Short Fiction - Max Apple
ENGL3214.301 - Points of View: Writing Polyvocal Fiction - Piyali Bhattacharya
ENGL3215.301 - The Art of Fiction - Sebastian Castillo
ENGL3216.301 - Revising Speculative Fiction - Abbey Mei Otis
ENGL3300.301 - Creative Nonfiction Workshop - Anna Badkhen
ENGL3351.301 - Writing About Mental Health and Addiction - Stephen Fried
ENGL3355.301 - Memoir Workshop - Lise Funderburg
ENGL3356.401 - Asian American Nonfiction Workshop - Weike Wang
ENGL3400.301 - Journalistic Writing: Exploring the Genre - Matt Katz
ENGL3408.301 - Long-Form Journalism - Dick Polman
ENGL3425.301 - Station to Station: The Art and Life of David Bowie - Anthony DeCurtis
ENGL3428.301 - Deep Dive Arts and Culture Writing - Anthony DeCurtis
ENGL3502.301 - Writing and Borders - Ahmad Almallah
ENGL3517.401 - Plague Lab: Writing through Infection and Affliction - Annie Kopecký
ENGL3600.401 - Screenwriting Workshop - Kathleen DeMarco Van Cleve
ENGL3600.402 - Screenwriting Workshop - Scott F Burkhardt
ENGL3601.401 - Advanced Screenwriting - Kathleen DeMarco Van Cleve
ENGL3603.401 - Writing for Television - Scott F Burkhardt
ENGL3609.401 - The Short Film: Writing, Producing, Directing - Scott F Burkhardt
ENGL3610.301 - Podcasting Workshop - Nate Chinen
Drama Concentration (AEDR)
ENGL0010.001 - Introduction to Shakespeare - Zachary Lesser
ENGL0784.401 - Anne Carson and the Unclassifiable Text - Taije Silverman
ENGL2879.401 - Acting Shakespeare - Sarah Doherty
Gender/Sexuality Concentration (AEGS)
ENGL0160.401 - Introduction to Sexuality and Queer Theory - Eva Pensis
ENGL0775.301 - The Living Dead - Melissa Jensen
ENGL0784.401 - Anne Carson and the Unclassifiable Text - Taije Silverman
ENGL1300.401 - Queer Politics, Queer Communities - S. Pearl Brilmyer, Heather K. Love
ENGL2272.401 - In/Visible: Asian American Cultural Critique - Bakirathi Mani
ENGL2300.401 - Queer Poetry from Homer to Hughes - Melissa E. Sanchez
Journalistic Writing Minor (AEJW)
ENGL3015.301 - Introduction to Creative Writing: Fiction and Journalism - Anna Badkhen
ENGL3300.301 - Creative Nonfiction Workshop - Anna Badkhen
ENGL3351.301 - Writing About Mental Health and Addiction - Stephen Fried
ENGL3355.301 - Memoir Workshop - Lise Funderburg
ENGL3356.401 - Asian American Nonfiction Workshop - Weike Wang
ENGL3400.301 - Journalistic Writing: Exploring the Genre - Matt Katz
ENGL3408.301 - Long-Form Journalism - Dick Polman
ENGL3425.301 - Station to Station: The Art and Life of David Bowie - Anthony DeCurtis
ENGL3428.301 - Deep Dive Arts and Culture Writing - Anthony DeCurtis
ENGL3610.301 - Podcasting Workshop - Nate Chinen
Literature, Journalism, & Print Culture Concentration (AELJ)
ENGL0341.301 - Imperials v. Rebels (First Year Seminar) - Sara Kazmi
ENGL2663.402 - Spiegel-Wilks Seminar - Emily Zimmerman
Medieval/Renaissance Concentration (AEMC)
ENGL0010.001 - Introduction to Shakespeare - Zachary Lesser
ENGL0300.301 - Medieval Worlds (First Year Seminar) - Emily Steiner
ENGL0510.401 - National Epics - David Wallace
ENGL0540.401 - Literary Theory Ancient to Modern - Rita Copeland
ENGL0701.401 - Medieval Roadtrip: Reading and Writing with Chaucer - Emily Steiner
ENGL2300.401 - Queer Poetry from Homer to Hughes - Melissa E. Sanchez
ENGL2879.401 - Acting Shakespeare - Sarah Doherty
Poetry & Poetics Concentration (AEPP)
ENGL0701.401 - Medieval Roadtrip: Reading and Writing with Chaucer - Emily Steiner
ENGL0784.401 - Anne Carson and the Unclassifiable Text - Taije Silverman
ENGL1820.301 - 18th-Century British Poetry - Chi-ming Yang
ENGL2082.401 - American Literature in the Cold War - Catherine Turner
ENGL2300.401 - Queer Poetry from Homer to Hughes - Melissa E. Sanchez
The Novel Concentration (AENV)
ENGL0090.001 - Business and Literature - Jed Esty
ENGL0341.301 - Imperials v. Rebels (First Year Seminar) - Sara Kazmi
ENGL0775.301 - The Living Dead - Melissa Jensen
ENGL1055.401 - British Fiction, Austen to Hardy - Emily Steinlight
ENGL2060.301 - Sex, Scandal, and Sensation in Victorian Literature - Barri Joyce Gold
ENGL2061.301 - Victorian Action Heroes - Jed Esty
ENGL2071.401 - When was Modernism? - Jean-Michel Rabaté
Theory & Cultural Studies Concentration (AETC)
ENGL0160.401 - Introduction to Sexuality and Queer Theory - Eva Pensis
ENGL0341.301 - Imperials v. Rebels (First Year Seminar) - Sara Kazmi
ENGL0510.401 - National Epics - David Wallace
ENGL0540.401 - Literary Theory Ancient to Modern - Rita Copeland
ENGL0775.301 - The Living Dead - Melissa Jensen
ENGL0784.401 - Anne Carson and the Unclassifiable Text - Taije Silverman
ENGL1430.401 - From the Uncanny to Horror: Film and Psychoanalysis - Jean-Michel Rabaté
ENGL1460.401 - World Socialist Literature and Film - Kevin M.F. Platt
ENGL1595.401 - Science: Fiction, Fact, and Fantasy - Barri Joyce Gold
ENGL1970.001 - Dark Academia - Caroline Batten
ENGL2190.401 - The Indian English Novel: From Colony to Nation - Sara Kazmi
ENGL2272.401 - In/Visible: Asian American Cultural Critique - Bakirathi Mani
ENGL2300.401 - Queer Poetry from Homer to Hughes - Melissa E. Sanchez
ENGL2415.401 - Fascism and Anti-Fascism - Jennifer Ponce de León
ENGL2663.402 - Spiegel-Wilks Seminar - Emily Zimmerman
Foundational Approach: Cross Cultural Analysis (AUCC)
ENGL0022.601 - Study of a Theme: Life Writing - Batsheva Ben-Amos
ENGL0341.301 - Imperials v. Rebels (First Year Seminar) - Sara Kazmi
ENGL0510.401 - National Epics - David Wallace
ENGL2190.401 - The Indian English Novel: From Colony to Nation - Sara Kazmi
ENGL2879.401 - Acting Shakespeare - Sarah Doherty
Foundational Approach: Cultural Diversity in US (AUCD)
ENGL0012.401 - Toni Morrison and the Adventure of the 21st Century - Herman Beavers
ENGL0160.401 - Introduction to Sexuality and Queer Theory - Eva Pensis
ENGL0590.401 - Arts of Abolition and Liberation - Julia Alekseyeva, Chi-ming Yang
ENGL1200.401 - Introduction to African American Literature - Dagmawi Woubshet
ENGL1300.401 - Queer Politics, Queer Communities - S. Pearl Brilmyer, Heather K. Love
ENGL1970.001 - Dark Academia - Caroline Batten
ENGL2272.401 - In/Visible: Asian American Cultural Critique - Bakirathi Mani
ENGL3300.301 - Creative Nonfiction Workshop - Anna Badkhen
ENGL3670.401 - What's Love Got To Do With It?: Art and Desire - Ricardo Bracho
Foundational Approach: Quantitative Data Analysis (AUQD)
ENGL1670.301 - Data Science for the Humanities - J. D. Porter
Sector III: Arts & Letters (AUAL)
ENGL0010.001 - Introduction to Shakespeare - Zachary Lesser
ENGL0012.401 - Toni Morrison and the Adventure of the 21st Century - Herman Beavers
ENGL0022.601 - Study of a Theme: Life Writing - Batsheva Ben-Amos
ENGL0090.001 - Business and Literature - Jed Esty
ENGL0305.301 - The Gothic (First Year Seminar) - Michael Gamer
ENGL0341.301 - Imperials v. Rebels (First Year Seminar) - Sara Kazmi
ENGL0510.401 - National Epics - David Wallace
ENGL0590.401 - Arts of Abolition and Liberation - Julia Alekseyeva, Chi-ming Yang
ENGL1200.401 - Introduction to African American Literature - Dagmawi Woubshet
Sector IV: Humanities and Social Science (AUHS)
ENGL0300.301 - Medieval Worlds (First Year Seminar) - Emily Steiner
ENGL1300.401 - Queer Politics, Queer Communities - S. Pearl Brilmyer, Heather K. Love