ENGL0305.301 - The Gothic (First Year Seminar) - Michael Gamer MW 10:15-11:44am
ENGL0540.401 - Literary Theory Ancient to Modern - Rita Copeland MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL0775.301 - The Living Dead - Melissa Jensen TR 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL1820.301 - 18th-Century British Poetry - Chi-ming Yang MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL2300.401 - Queer Poetry from Homer to Hughes - Melissa E. Sanchez TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL1014.401 - King Arthur: Medieval to Modern - Emily Steiner MW 10:15-11:44am
ENGL1041.001 - Gothic Bodies - Michael Gamer MW 10:15-11:44am
ENGL1045.001 - Romantic Poetry - Emily Steinlight TR 10:15-11:44am
ENGL2041.301 - Romantic Book, Romantic Media - Michael Gamer MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL2131.301 - Early Philly: Literature and Culture of Philadelphia in the 18th and 19th Centuries - David Kazanjian TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL2604.401 - American Books/Books in America - John Pollack, James N Green Thursday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL5415.401 - Orientalisms - Ania Loomba, Chi-ming Yang Tuesday 12:00-2:59pm
ENGL0024.401 - Monsters in Film and Literature - Chi-ming Yang TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL0540.401 - History of Literary Criticism (Literary Theory Ancient to Modern) - Rita Copeland TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL0777.301 - Frightful: Adolescence and the Gothic - Melissa Jensen TR 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL1040.401 - Jane Austen Remix - Barri Joyce Gold TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL1600.001 - Cultures of the Book - Whitney Trettien MW 10:15-11:44am
ENGL1875.401 - Theatre, History, Culture II: Romantics, Realists and Revolutionaries - Margit Edwards TR 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL0372.301 - Juvenilia - Melissa Jensen MW 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL1120.401 - Literature of the Americas to 1900 - David Kazanjian TR 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL1710.001 - The Novel and Other Institutions - Emily Steinlight TR 10:15-11:44am
ENGL1820.301 - 18th-Century British Poetry - Chi-ming Yang TR 10:15-11:44am
ENGL2030.301 - Traveling Tales: Exploration and Encounter in late-17th and 18th-Century Writing - Suvir Kaul MW 10:15-11:44am
ENGL2135.401 - Trash: The Dime Novel - David Kazanjian Wednesday 3:30-6:29pm
ENGL2604.401 - American Books/Books in America - John Pollack, James N Green R 12:00-2:59pm
ENGL0024.401 - Monsters in Film & Literature - Chi-ming Yang Mondays 12-2:59pm
ENGL0070.001 - Literature and Medicine - Heather K. Love, Dagmawi Woubshet TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL0304.301 - Dangerous Literature - Abdulhamit Arvas TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL0540.401 - History of Literary Criticism - Rita Copeland TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1022.001 - The Age of Milton - Zachary Lesser TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL1045.001 - Romantic and Victorian Poetry - Emily Steinlight TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1131.401 - Crime and Criminality in Early America - David Kazanjian Wednesday 5:15-8:14pm
ENGL1600.001 - Cultures of the Book - Whitney Trettien MW 10:15-11:44am
ENGL1800.001 - Lyric Form - Josephine Park MW 12-1:29pm
ENGL1875.401 - Theatre, History and Culture II - Jennifer Thompson TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL2051.301 - Coming of Age in the Anthropocene - Barri Joyce Gold TR 10:15-11:44
ENGL2321.401 - Criminal Sexuality - Alicia Meyer MW 12-1:29pm
ENGL2621.401 - Prints and Politics - Shira Brisman Tuesday 1:45-4:44pm