undergraduate Courses
fall 2008sort by
Course Grouping | English Major Requirement | Course Number
Intermediate Level Courses
ENGL 020.001
M 3:30-6:30
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
Sector 3: Early Literature to 1660 of the Standard Major
ENGL 040.001
TR 3-4:30
Sector 1: Theory and Poetics of the Standard Major
Sector 4: Literature of the long 18th-century (ca. 1660-1830) of the Standard Major
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 050.001
TR 9-10:30
Sector 1: Theory and Poetics of the Standard Major
Sector 4: Literature of the long 18th-century (ca. 1660-1830) of the Standard Major
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 055.401
also offered as: GSOC 055
TR 12-1:30
Sector 1: Theory and Poetics of the Standard Major
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 057.001
TR 12-1:30
Benn 231
Sector 4: Literature of the long 18th-century (ca. 1660-1830) of the Standard Major
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 063.401
also offered as: AFRC 063
TR 1:30-3
Benn 244
Sector 1: Theory and Poetics of the Standard Major
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
Sector 6: 20th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 066.401
also offered as: ASAM 066
TR 12-1:30
Benn 244
Sector 1: Theory and Poetics of the Standard Major
Sector 6: 20th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 070.401
also offered as: LALS 060
TR 3-4:30
Benn 140
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
Sector 6: 20th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 072.401
also offered as: ASAM 002
MW 2-3:30
Benn 231
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
Sector 6: 20th Century Literature of the Standard Major
19th Century Literature in Dialogue canceled
ENGL 073.001
MWF 1-2
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 081.401
also offered as: AFRC 081
TR 10:30-12
Benn 244
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
Sector 6: 20th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 085.401
also offered as: BCHE 085, HSOC 148
TR 4:30-6
Benn 244
Sector 4: Literature of the long 18th-century (ca. 1660-1830) of the Standard Major
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 089.001
TR 9-10:30
Benn 244
Sector 4: Literature of the long 18th-century (ca. 1660-1830) of the Standard Major
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 091.401
also offered as: CINE 101
TR 10:30-12
COHN 402
screenings: Mondays 4:30-6:30
Elective of the Standard Major
Sector 1: Film Analysis of the Cinema Studies Track
ENGL 096.401
also offered as: GSOC 096
MW 3:30-5
Benn 231
Sector 1: Theory and Poetics of the Standard Major
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
English Honors Program
Benjamin Franklin Seminars
ENGL 326.301
TR 9-10:30
Benn 20
Sector 3: Early Literature to 1660 of the Standard Major
Pre-1700 or Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
ENGL 341.301
TR 10:30-12
Benn 16
Sector 4: Literature of the long 18th-century (ca. 1660-1830) of the Standard Major
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
ENGL 352.301
TR 1:30-3
Benn 323
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
Dickens canceled
ENGL 355.301
MW 2-3:30
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
ENGL 360.301
TR 3-4:30
Benn 323
Sector 4: Literature of the long 18th-century (ca. 1660-1830) of the Standard Major
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminars
ENGL 010.303
T 1:30-4:30
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 010.301
TR 1:30-3
Benn 139
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 101.302
W 2-5
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 111.301
R 1:30-4:30
CPCW Room 111
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 112.301
T 1:30-4:30
KWH 202
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 112.302
Benn 139
W 2-5
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 113.301
T 1:30-4:30
Benn 20
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 115.301
KWH 209
M 2-5
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 116.401
also offered as: CINE 116
T 1:30-4:30
CPCW Room 111
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 117.301
R 1:30-4:30
KWH 202
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 122.401
also offered as: FNAR 256, FNAR 556,
MW 2-5
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 130.401
also offered as: CINE 130
M 2-5
CPCW Room 111
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 130.402
also offered as: CINE 130
F 2-5
KWH 202
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 135.301
R 1:30-4:30
KWH 209
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 135.302
M 2-5
Benn 138
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 135.305
also offered as: WRIT 135.305
TR 10:30-12
KWH 202
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 145.302
R 1:30-4:30
Benn 20
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 145.301
T 1:30-4:30
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 156.301
W 2-5
KWH 202
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 157.301
M 2-5
Benn 224
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 161.301
M 2-5
KWH 202
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 162.301
W 2-5
CPCW Room 111
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
College of Liberal and Professional Studies Courses
ENGL 090.601
also offered as: COML 090, GSOC 090
W 5-8
Benn 141
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
Sector 6: 20th Century Literature of the Standard Major
Graduate Courses Open to Undergraduates by Permission of Instructor
ENGL 524.401
also offered as: COML601, CLST
W 9-12
Smith Room, Van Pelt Library
ENGL 569.401
also offered as: CINE 501
R 9-12
Benn 25
screenings: Wednesdays 5-7:30 F-B 244
ENGL 570.401
also offered as: AFRC570, COML573
W 3-6
Benn 20
ENGL 571.301
also offered as: COML682, SPAN682
R 3-6
Benn 201
Cross-Listed Courses
ENGL 100.401
also offered as: COML 100
MW 12-1
Benn 401
ENGL 291.401
also offered as: CINE 201
T 3-6
Benn 201
screenings: Mondays 5-8 F-B 15
Elective of the Standard Major
ENGL 292.401
also offered as: CINE 202.401
TR 10:30-12
Benn 201
screenings: Tuesdays 4:30-7 COHN 402
College Of General Studies
ENGL 022.601
TR 6-7:30
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
Sector 3: Early Literature to 1660 of the Standard Major
ENGL 092.601
T 5-8:00, Evening Screenings R 5-8:00
CINE 102, ARTH 109
Elective of the Standard Major
Sector 1: Film Analysis of the Cinema Studies Track
ENGL 116.601
also offered as: CINE 116
M 5-8
Benn 322
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 135.601
M 5-8
Benn 20
Elective Seminar of the Standard Major
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track
ENGL 248.601
W 6-9
Benn 322
Sector 1: Theory and Poetics of the Standard Major
Sector 4: Literature of the long 18th-century (ca. 1660-1830) of the Standard Major
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
ENGL 255.601
T 5:30-8:30
Benn 322
Sector 4: Literature of the long 18th-century (ca. 1660-1830) of the Standard Major
Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
ENGL 412.640
R 5:30-8:10
MCNB 103
Freshman Seminars
ENGL 016.401
also offered as: CINE 016
TR 12-1:30
screenings: Mondays 7-9 F-B 244
Elective of the Standard Major
ENGL 016.402
also offered as: SAST 016
TR 10:30-12
screenings: Mondays 7-9 F-B 16
Elective of the Standard Major
College Requirement Courses
ENGL 102.001
TR 12-1:30
COHN 402
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
Sector 6: 20th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 105.401
also offered as: COML 106, GSOC 105
MW 2-3:30
Benn 401
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
Sector 6: 20th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 105.402
also offered as: CINE 110
TR 1:30-3
Benn 401
Sector 1: Theory and Poetics of the Standard Major
Sector 6: 20th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 221.401
also offered as: GSOC 223
Benn 322
MW 3:30-5
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
Sector 3: Early Literature to 1660 of the Standard Major
Pre-1700 or Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
ENGL 229.401
also offered as: CLST 360
TR 10:30-12
COHN 337
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
Sector 3: Early Literature to 1660 of the Standard Major
Pre-1700 or Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
ENGL 232.301
TR 1:30-3
Benn 322
Sector 3: Early Literature to 1660 of the Standard Major
Pre-1700 or Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
ENGL 234.401
also offered as: HIST 411
MW 3:30-5
Benn 16
Sector 1: Theory and Poetics of the Standard Major
Sector 3: Early Literature to 1660 of the Standard Major
Pre-1700 or Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
ENGL 236.401
also offered as: THAR 236, WSTD 233
TR 1:30-3
Annc 511
Sector 3: Early Literature to 1660 of the Standard Major
Pre-1700 or Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
ENGL 241.401
also offered as: COML 239
TR 1:30-3
Benn 224
Sector 4: Literature of the long 18th-century (ca. 1660-1830) of the Standard Major
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
ENGL 250.301
TR 10:30-12
Sector 4: Literature of the long 18th-century (ca. 1660-1830) of the Standard Major
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
ENGL 255.401
also offered as: GSOC 255
TR 3-4:30
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
ENGL 256.301
MW 2-3:30
Benn 16
Sector 3: Early Literature to 1660 of the Standard Major
Sector 4: Literature of the long 18th-century (ca. 1660-1830) of the Standard Major
Pre-1700 or Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
ENGL 256.402
also offered as: THAR 275.402/AFRC 275.402
M 2-5
Platt House, Room 179
ENGL 258.301
TR 9-10:30
Benn 323
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
Sector 6: 20th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 259.301
MW 3:30-5
Benn 24
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
Sector 6: 20th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 265.401
also offered as: GSOC 293
MW 3:30-5
Benn 323
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
Sector 6: 20th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 272.401
also offered as: CINE 272, ASAM 202
TR 3-4:30
Benn 224
screenings: Mondays 5-8 F-B 201
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
ENGL 274.301
T 3-6
Benn 139
Sector 1: Theory and Poetics of the Standard Major
Sector 6: 20th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 275.301
MW 5-6:30
Benn 24
Sector 3: Early Literature to 1660 of the Standard Major
Pre-1700 or Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
ENGL 281.401
also offered as: AFRC 281, ANTH 281, CINE 281, COMM 281
TR 1:30-3
ANNS 109
screenings: Wednesdays 5-7 Annenberg 110
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
Sector 6: 20th Century Literature of the Standard Major
ENGL 286.402
also offered as: CINE 280
MW 2-3:30
Benn 25
Sector 5: 19th Century Literature of the Standard Major
Sector 6: 20th Century Literature of the Standard Major
Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major
ENGL 286.401
also offered as: CINE 280
TR 1:30-3
Benn 201
screenings: Tuesdays 5-7:30 F-B 231
Elective of the Standard Major
ENGL 292.402
also offered as: CINE 392.402
TR 1:30-3
Benn 141
screenings: Thursdays 4:30-7 F-B 138
ENGL 294.401
also offered as: VLST 294
W 5-8
Benn 140