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undergraduate Courses

spring 2007
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General Education Courses

ENGL 101.601
R 5:30-8:30
Elective of the Standard Major
ENGL 102.401
TR 10:30-11:30 am; Evening screenings M 6-8:00 pm
ENGL 103.401
also offered as: COML 125 and NELC 180
TR 10:30-12
ENGL 104.405
F 10-11:00

Intermediate Level Courses

ENGL 020.001
MW 3:30-5
ENGL 022.001
TR 3-4:30
ENGL 025.601
M 6:30-9:30
ENGL 034.402
also offered as: CINE 138.401
TR 3-4:30 evening screenings T 4:30-6:30
ENGL 040.001
TR 3-4:30
ENGL 055.401
TR 12-1:30
ENGL 069.001
MW 2-3:30
ENGL 075.401
also offered as: STSC 110.401
MW 11-12:00
ENGL 077.401
TR 3-4:30
ENGL 089.001
MWF 12
ENGL 091.401
also offered as: ARTH 108, CINE 101
TR 12-1:30 evening screenings R 4:30-7:30
ENGL 091.402
also offered as: CINE 150.402
TR 9-10:30
ENGL 092.601
R 5-8:00, evening screenings T 5-8:00

Benjamin Franklin Seminars

ENGL 329.301
also offered as: CLST329.301
TR 1:30-3
ENGL 388.301
MW 2-3:30

Creative Writing Seminars

ENGL 010.601
W 5:30-8:30
ENGL 111.302
W 2-5
ENGL 112.301
M 2-5:00
ENGL 113.401
R 1:30-4:30
ENGL 114.401
M 2-5:00
ENGL 115.301
T 1:30-4:30
ENGL 116.601
M 5-8
ENGL 116.401
also offered as: CINE 116 401
T 1:30-4:30
ENGL 130.402
R 1:30-4:30
ENGL 135.301
R 1:30-4:30
ENGL 145.401
T 1:30-4:30
ENGL 155.301
M 2-5:00

Graduate Courses Open to Undergraduates by Permission of Instructor

ENGL 569.401
also offered as: CINE501
T 12-3
ENGL 572.401
also offered as: AFRC572
M 3:30-6:30
Fisher-BENNETT 24
ENGL 572.401
also offered as: AFRC572
M 3:30-6:30
ENGL 595.401
also offered as: SAST620, COML594
T 9-12

Freshman Seminars

ENGL 016.302
MW 2-3:30
Reading War canceled
ENGL 016.601
TR 4:30-5:50

Summer Session 2

ENGL 010.920
MTWR 2:40-4:15
Creative Writing Seminar Requirement of the Creative Writing Track

Upper Level Seminars

ENGL 229.403
also offered as: CLST 315.403
TR 1:30-3
ENGL 236.401
TR 10:30-12
ENGL 248.001
TR 10:30-12
ENGL 255.302
TR 3-4:30bentl
ENGL 260.301
MW 2-3:30
ENGL 263.301
MW 3:30-5
ENGL 269.301
TR 12-1:30
ENGL 281.401
also offered as: AFRC 281
MW 3:30-5
ENGL 286.401
M 2-5:00
ENGL 292.401
TR 12-1:30
ENGL 292.601
T 5:30-8:30
ENGL 293.401
also offered as: SAST 310.401
R 3-6
ENGL 294.401
TR 10:30-12
ENGL 295.302
also offered as: ARTH 100.302
M 2-5:00
ENGL 295.401
also offered as: CINE 296.401
W 3:30-6:30
ENGL 460.640
R 5:30-8:30
ENGL 461.640
also offered as: CINE 500
T 5:30-8:30