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Stuart Curran

Stuart Curran received his BA and MA from the University of Michigan and his PhD from Harvard. Before coming to Penn he taught at Wisconsin and John Hopkins. He has held fellowships from the Huntington Library, the NEH, and the Guggenheim Foundation. Author of two critical studies of Shelley, as well as the standard bibliography on the poet, he was also for many years the editor of the Keats-Shelley Journal.  He now serves as President of the Keats-Shelley Association of America.   He has written a history of Romanticism, Poetic Form and British Romanticism  has edited the Cambridge Companion to British Romanticism, which is currently being revised.  He served for many years as section editor (1740-1830) for The Brown University Women Writers Project text base and publications, of which his edition of The Poems of Charlotte Smith (Oxford University Press, 1993) was an early result; is preparing a  hypertext edition of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for internet distribution; and is writing widely on women poets during the Romantic period.  His 14-volume edition of The Works of Charlotte Smith has just appeared from Pickering & Chatto; and he is also editing 4 volumes of the Johns Hopkins Univ. Press edition of Shelley, in progress. A member of the Graduate Program in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory.

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News & Events

Doctoral Dissertations Chaired


Suzanne L. Barnett "Romantic Paganism: Ecstasy and Excess in the Shelley Circle"
Katherine Bennett Gustafson "Coming of Age in the Eighteenth-Century Novel"
Myra Lotto "The Rustic Mode in Britain, 1700-1900"


Linda Nurra "Signs Performing: Language and Politics in 1790s Britain"
Jared Richman "Transatlantic Realms: The Idea of America in British Literary Imagination"


Dahlia Porter "'Knowledge Broken': Empiricist Method and the Forms of Romanticism"


Scott Krawczyk "Romantic Collaboration: Familial Authorship from Barbauld to Shelley"


Mark Stein "The Ascetic Sublime"


Erik Simpson "Revising Inspiration: Minstrels, Bards, and Improvisers in British and Irish Literature, 1757-1830"


Donald Zimmerman "Antipastoralism: A Resistant Georgic Mode"


Allen Grove "Coming Out of the Castle: Renegotiating Gender and Sexuality in Eighteenth-Century Gothic Fiction"
Natan Paradise "Poetry and the Early Novel: Negotiations in British Literary Culture"


Lisa A. Freeman "Theatrical Imaginings: Genre, Character, and Identity on the Eighteenth-Century English Stage"


Jacqueline Labbe "Representing Landscape, Representing Gender: The Configurations of Romantic Visuality"


Jack Truten "Sir Walter Scott: Folklore and Fiction"


Gary R. Dyer "British Satire and the Politics of Style, 1789-1832"
Judith Pascoe "Staging Romanticism: The Self-Representation of the 1790's"


Susan Greenfield "Novel Daughters: The Family Romance from Francis Burney to Jane Austen"


Gregory W. Bredbeck "The Uses of Ganymede from Marlowe to Milton: Homoeroticism in Renaissance Thought and Literature"
Celeste Gerard Langan "Waling, Working, Revolution: The Romantic Task"


Steven Goldsmith "Unbuilding Jerusalem: The Romantics against the Apocalypse"


Constance Walker "Bards of Passion: Facultative Psychology in English Romantic Poetry"


Mark A. Kipperman "British Romantic Poetry and Post-Kantean Philosophy of Psychology"


Leonard S. Goldberg "Dialectical Patterns of Byron's Poetry"


Neil Fraistat "The Extended Poem: The Romantic Use of the Poetic Volume"


David H. Flood "Point of View in Byron's Don Juan"
George R. Pitts "The Romantic Re-vision of Spenser: the Presence of Spenser in the Poetry of the High Romantics"


Linda H. Meeker "The Function of the Narrator in the Poetry of William Wordsworth"

Courses Taught

spring 2008

fall 2007

ENGL 050.001 The Romantic Period  
ENGL 269.301 Poetry and Poetics  

spring 2007

ENGL 269.301 Poetry and Poetics  

fall 2006

ENGL 050.001 The Romantic Period  

spring 2006

ENGL 269.301 Poetry and Poetics  
ENGL 750.301 Romanticism  

spring 2005

ENGL 238.301 Milton  

fall 2004

ENGL 050.001 The Romantic Period  

spring 2004

ENGL 038.001 Milton  
ENGL 270.301 Poetry and Poetics  

fall 2003

ENGL 050.001 Romantic Poets  
ENGL 551.301 Romantics  

spring 2003

ENGL 270.301 Poetry and Poetics  
ENGL 299.301 Hannah More  

fall 2002

ENGL 050.001 Romantic Poets  
ENGL 600.301 Proseminar  

spring 2002

ENGL 270.301 Poetry and Poetics  
ENGL 552.301 Later British Romanticism  

fall 2001

ENGL 050.001 Romantic Poets  
ENGL 299.307 Independent Study  

spring 2000

ENGL 270.301 Poetry and Poetics  
ENGL 750.401 Romanticism and Gender  

fall 1999

ENGL 050.001 Romantic Poets  
ENGL 600.301 Proseminar  

spring 1999

ENGL 205.401 Electronic Lit Seminar  
ENGL 505.401 Electronic Seminar  

spring 1998

ENGL 050.001 Major Romantic Poets  
ENGL 551.301 English Romanticism  

spring 1997

ENGL 202.302 Major British Poets  
ENGL 552.301 English Romanticism  

fall 1996

ENGL 202.302 Major British Poets  
ENGL 205.401 Electronic Literature  
ENGL 250.301 Topics in Romantic Poetry  

summer 1996

ENGL 299.900 The Cult of the Internet  

fall 1995

ENGL 205.401 Electronic Literary Seminar  
ENGL 505.401 Electronic Literary Study  

spring 1995

fall 1994

ENGL 050.001 Romantic Poets