undergraduate Courses
fall 2004sort by
Course Grouping | English Major Requirement | Course Number
General Education Courses
ENGL 102.401
MWF 11-12
Intermediate Level Courses
ENGL 029.601
Tuesdays 4:30-7:30 pm
ENGL 043.001
TR 3-4:30
Advanced Seminars
ENGL 258.301
MWF 12-1
ENGL 290.601
Wednesdays 6-9:00
ENGL 292.402
MW 3-4:30, Screenings M 5-7:30
ENGL 295.401
TR 3-4:30 Screenings W 5-7:30
ENGL 329.301
MW 3-4:30
Creative Writing Seminars
ENGL 010.301
T 1:30-4:30
ENGL 010.302
W 2-5
Graduate Courses Open to Undergraduates by Permission of Instructor
ENGL 570.401
T 9-12
Seminar Room, 5th Floor, 3600 Market
ENGL 591.401
W 12-3
Lea Room, Sixth Floor, Van Pelt Library
Independent Study
Freshman Seminars
ENGL 016.301
TR 10:30-12
ENGL 016.302
MW 3-4:30