Roslyn Blyn-LaDrew
- Education
- Has published articles in refereed journals such as the Journal of Celtic Language Learning and Folklore Forum.
- Published Clóicín Dearg, an Irish translation of Little Red Riding Hood in 2001 for Aims Books( and recently added an Irish language t-shirt to their "How do feel today?" language learning series, available in 15 languages.
- Writes regularly for the Irish Edition monthly newspaper, including an Irish language column for children (
- Past-President, North American Association for Celtic Language Teachers (NAACLT); established NAACLT's Clann Lir prize for original children's books in a Celtic language.
- Member, American Conference for Irish Studies and American Folklore Society
Has studied in Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and Newfoundland, and earned her B.A. from Harvard University and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania.
Has taught Irish Gaelic for 14 years
Research interest and Publications
Courses Taught
spring 2006
Celtic Literature in Translation: Curse Tablets, Cattle Raids, Camelot, and Cyber Celtica