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Graduate English Doctoral Alumni

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Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation Where they are now

Leigh Holladay Edwards

Betsy J. Erkkilä Blood Relations: The Cultural Work of Miscegenation in Nineteenth-Century American Literature Associate Professor of English, Florida State University

Po Fang

Vicki Mahaffey The Aesthetics of Self-Fashioning: Pater, Wilde, and Yeats Prof. of English National Taiwan Normal U.

David Alan Golumbia

Myra Jehlen Against Universality: Founding Cultural Studies Assistant Professor of English and Media Studies; Virginia Commonwealth

Kendall A. Johnson

Eric Cheyfitz America Seen: Henry James's Picturesque and the Science of Culture Associate Professor of English, Swarthmore College

Roberta S. Klein

Paul Korshin Agatha Christie: A Feminist Reassessment Secondary School Teacher, St. Stephen's and St. Agnes' School

Crystal Jones Lucky

Farah Jasmine Griffin Without Holiness..: Free Black Women's Spiritual Narratives of the Nineteenth Century Associate Professor of English and Director of Africana Studies Program, Villanova University

Michael Magee, Jr.

Elisa New Emancipating Pragmatisms: Emerson, Jazz and Experimental Writing CEO at Rhode Island Mayoral Academies

Ashley Montague

John Richetti Going to the Market: Credit Economics and Marriageable Women in 18th-Century Fiction Owner of the Penn Book Center at 34th and Sansom

John Leonard Parker

Margreta de Grazia God Among Thieves: Marx's Christological Theory of Value and the Literature of the English Reformation Associate Professor, University of Virginia

Carol Schilling

Peter Conn
Elaine Scarry
Imagining Science: Narrative, Discovery, and the Double Helix Actg. Dir. Eng. Writing Prog., University of Pennsylvania

Julie Rebecca Schutzman

John Richetti Ruling Passions, Sovereignty, Femininity and Fiction Secondary School Teacher, Baldwin School

Victor R. Tulli

Al Filreis Indecent Reading, Literature, Obscenity Law, and U.S. Culture, 1952-1966 Private Industry

Antonio Viego, Jr.

Lynda Hart Porous Latinidades: Working the Borders of Intelligibility Associate Professor of English and Romance Studies, Duke University

Cheryl Deborah Williams

Houston A. Baker, Jr. 'Conceived in Transit, Delivered in Passage': Travel and Identity in 19th Century African American Women's Narratives Private Industry

Elizabeth Anne Yukins

Lynda Hart Bastard Claims: The Agency of illegitimacy in Twentieth-Century American Literature Asst. Prof. Eng., John Jay College, CUNY
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation Where they are now

Giselle Anatol

James English Mother Countries, Motherlands, and Mother Love: Representations of Motherhood in 20th-Century Caribbean Women's Literature Associate Professor of English, University of Kansas

Cheryl Blanche Butler

Peter Conn
Betsy J. Erkkilä
The Art of the Black Essay: From Meditation to Transcendency Adjunct Professor, Montclair State University & WFMZ Reporter

Julie Anne Crawford

Phyllis Rackin "Lessons and Schdynes for Us": Monsters as Signs in Early Modern Popular Literature Associate Professor of English, Comp. Lit., Columbia University

Jeannine DeLombard

Wendy Steiner
Houston A. Baker, Jr.
"Eye-witness to the Cruelty": Literary Abolitionism and the Antebellum Culture of Testimony Associate Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara

William G. Fisher

Phyllis Rackin
Peter Stallybrass
Prosthetic Gods: Subject/Object in Early Modern England Associate Professor of English, Lehman College, CUNY

Melissa Homestead

Peter Conn Imperfect Title: 19th-Century American Women Authors and Literary Property Susan J. Rosowski Professor of English, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Jack Lynch

Paul Korshin The Revival of Learning: The Age of Elizabeth in the Age of Johnson Professor of English, Rutgers University - Newark

Amanda Mason

Vicki Mahaffey Intimacy, Politics, and Virginia Woolf: A Queered-Feminist Analysis Executive Director, Rutland Health Foundation

Theresa Suriano

Rebecca Bushnell Source and Discourse: Readings into Hamlet/Readings out of Hamlet Rare Books Library, UPenn
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation Where they are now

Stephen Best

Houston A. Baker, Jr. The Subject of Property: Race, Prosthesis, and Possession in American Culture, 1865-1927 Associate Professor of English, University of California-Berkley

Sam Choi

James English
Al Filreis
Machines of Metaphor: Myths and Materials of Computer Culture Private Industry

Rhonda Frederick

James English The Colon People: Reading Caribbeanness through the Panama Canal Associate Professor of English and Director, African & African Diaspora Studies, Boston College

Eugene McGarry

Vicki Mahaffey Incarnation and Intertextuality in Faulkner's Major Novels Editorial Assistant, Harvard Theological Review, Harvard Univ.

Joseph Murphy

Elisa New Exposing the Modern: World's Fairs and American Literary Culture, 1853-1907 Associate Professor, Fu Jen Catholic University of Taiwan

Peter Parolin

Rebecca Bushnell Not so Fitted a Place: English Identity and Italian Different in Early Modern England Assoc. Prof. Eng. University of Wyoming

Geoffrey Sharpless

James English The Erotics of Culture: Masculinity and the Victorian Public School Prep. School, Indianapolis

Jill Wacker

Peter Conn Becoming Suitable: Self-Fashioning and the Rag Trade in American Literature, 1865-1925 Vice President, Steege/Thomson Communications

Lawrence Warner

David Wallace
David Boyd
Cain, Nimrod, and the Erotics of Wandering in Late-Medieval Narrative Professor of Medieval English Literature Co-Director, Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies Department of English King's College London
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation Where they are now

Alison Chapman

Margreta de Grazia Reforming Time: Calendars and Almanacs in Early Modern England Professor of English, University of Alabama

Kathryn Anne Conrad

Vicki Mahaffey Stag/nation: Reproducing the Irish National Subject Assoc. Prof. Eng., University of Kansas

Laura S. Croley

Nina Auerbach Wanderers and Settlers: Vagrancy, Begging, and the English Middle Class, 1790-1867 Lawyer, Dykema Gossett PPLC

Jerry Denno

Edward B. (Ted) Irving Inspiration and the Poetic Imagination in Anglo-Saxon Poetry Asst. Prof., Chadron College

Jonathan Grossman

Nina Auerbach The Art of Alibi: A History of the Novel and the Law Courts Assoc. Prof., UCLA

Allen Grove

Stuart Curran Coming Out of the Castle: Renegotiating Gender and Sexuality in Eighteenth-Century Gothic Fiction Professor of English, Alfred University

Ann Hostetler

Peter Conn Telling the Story of the Past: History, Identity and Community in Fiction by Walter Scott, William Faulkner, Toni Morrison, and Leslie Silko Assoc. Prof. Eng., Goshen College

Natan Paradise

Stuart Curran Poetry and the Early Novel: Negotiations in British Literary Culture Associate Director, Center for Jewish Studies, Director of Undergraduate Studies- University of Minnesota

James P. Seager

Phyllis Rackin 'Why Bastard? Wherefore Base?' Representing Bastardy in Early Modern England Director at IHS Emerging Energy Research

Darryl Wadsworth

Nina Auerbach Popular Sentiments: Victorian Melodrama, Class and Sentimentality IT Consultant in Canada

Timothy F. Waples

Al Filreis 'A Harrowing State to Maintain': Individualism and Identity in the Cold War Careers of Ralph Ellison, Mary McCarthy, and Frank O'Hara Lecturer, Davidson College

Sarah Werner

Phyllis Rackin
Cary Mazer
Act Like a Feminist: Women and Performance at the Royal Shakespeare Company Director at the Folger Shakespeare Library
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation Where they are now

David Anderson

Paul Fussell The Evolving Art of Marianne Moore, Robert Frost, and Sterling Brown: Technique as Process in Early Twentieth-Century American Poetry Associate Professor of English, University of Louisville

Josh Bellin

Eric Cheyfitz
Betsy J. Erkkilä
The Demon of the Continent: American Literature, Indian Conversion and the Dynamics of Cultural Exchange Associate Professor, La Roche College

Lisa-Maria Burgess-Noudehou

Myra Jehlen Maps of Difference: Literature in the English and Spanish American Colonies Freelance writer and editor

Ann Cubilie

Lynda Hart The Limits of Culture: Testimonial Literature and the Constraints of Human Rights Discourse Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Extended Learning, Central Washington University.

Frederick De Naples

Nina Auerbach Deadly Secrets, Dangerous Homes: Living with Sensation in the Victorian Period Professor & Chairperson, Bronx Community College-CUNY

Lisa A. Freeman

Stuart Curran
Phyllis Rackin
Theatrical Imaginings: Genre, Character, and Identity on the Eighteenth-Century English Stage Professor and Head of the English Department at the University of Illinois at Chicago

Barbara Lonnquist

Vicki Mahaffey James Joyce and Virginia Woolf, Two-Tongue Common Readers: Egypt and the Rites of Allusion in Finnegan's Wake and Between the Acts Prof. Chestnut Hill College

Suzane Neureiter

Rebecca Bushnell Mapping Early Modern Witchcraft: A Study of Pamphlet, Treatise, and Drama Visiting Prof. Eng., Beijing Number 2 Foreign Langs. Inst.

Paul J. Rock

Peter Stallybrass From Boys to Men: Male Identities, Sexuality, and Fin De Siecle Criticism Independent Scholar

Rachana Sachdev

Phyllis Rackin 'That Naked Sex': Race and the Immigration of Englishwomen to the American Colonies in 17th Century English Drama Assoc. Prof., Susquehanna University

Ian Strachan

Dan Bivona Paradise and Plantation: The Economy of Caribbean Discourse Professor of English, College of the Bahamas
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation Where they are now

Rebecca Bach

Peter Stallybrass Producing the "New World"; The Colonial Stages of Ben Jonson and Captain John Smith Professor English, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Karen Chandler

Betsy J. Erkkilä Wages of Innocence, Wages of Sin: Melodramatic Fictions of Love, Class, and Race in Modern America, 1890-1940 Associate Professor of English, University of Louisville

Raima Evan

Lynda Hart Subversive Acts: Gender, Representation and Race in Contemporary Feminist Theater Part-time Asst. Prof. of Eng., Swarthmore College

Rosemarie Fabien

Robert Lucid The Atlantic Monthly's American Idea: The Evolution of Editorial Policy Senior Writer, Hillier Group

Susan Iwanisziw

Maureen Quilligan The Place of Women in Early Modern English Closet Drama Visiting Asst. Prof. Eng., St. Lawrence U

George Justice

John Richetti The Production of Literature in Eighteenth-Century Britain Dean of Humanities in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Associate Vice President for Humanities and Arts in the Office of Knowledge Enterprise Development at Arizona State University

Rick Kerin

Peter Conn The Korean War and American Memory Assistant Professor, United States Military Academy (West Point)

Nicole King

Betsy J. Erkkilä C.L.R. James and the Formulations of Caribbean Cultural Identity Lecturer in American Literature, Goldsmith, University of London

Jacqueline Labbe

Stuart Curran Representing Landscape, Representing Gender: The Configurations of Romantic Visuality Deputy-Vice-Chancellor, University of Gloucestershire and Professor of English

Ruth Lindeborg

Houston A. Baker, Jr. Rushdie and the Politics of Postcolonial Representation Independent Scholar

Laura Renick

Clare A. Lees The Aesthetics of Time and the Ideology of Eternity in Old English Christian Poetry Assistant Professor, Devry Institute

Deborah Schizer

Nina Auerbach Eroticizing the Middle Ages: Gender and Sexuality in Pre-Raphaelite Medievalism Secondary School Teacher, Akiba Hebrew Academy

Eric Wertheimer

Betsy J. Erkkilä Imagined Empires: Incas, Aztecs and the Columbian Trope in American Literature, 1771-1876 Graduate Dean, Professor of English and American Studies, Arizona State University (Phoenix)
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation Where they are now

Zell Kravinsky

Maureen Quilligan Paradox Glossed: Milton's Allegory of Masculine Transcendence Real Estate Agent, Zell Kravinsky Properties

David Lawrence

Vicki Mahaffey Figuring the Flesh: The Intimate Horrors of Authority Dir. of Eng. Prog. ADE, Mod. Lang. Assn.

Barbara Riebling

Robert Yongue Turner The Drama of Counsel: Advice and Favor on the Tudor Stage Associate Professor of English, University of Toledo

Amy Robinson

Lynda Hart To Pass In Drag: Strategies of Entrance Into the Visible Assistant Professor of English, Georgetown University

Sandra Sherman

John Richetti The Poetics of Trade: Finance and Fictionality in the Early 18th Century Law Practice

Craig Smith

Houston A. Baker, Jr. Utopia and Necessity: The Crisis of Nationalism in African Literature Corporate Sector Phila., PA

Max Thomas

Margreta de Grazia The Practice of Poetry in Early Modern English Attorney and Founder, Max W. Thomas, LLC

Jack Truten

Stuart Curran Sir Walter Scott: Folklore and Fiction Ethics and Humanities Consultant, Lehigh Valley Hospital

Roland Williams

Robert Regan Sweet Music: A Sounding of American Narratives Assistant Professor of English, Temple University
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation Where they are now

Elizabeth Alexander

John W. Roberts Collage: An Approach to Reading African-American Women's Literature Professor of African-American Studies & English, Columbia University

Jennifer D. Brody

Nina Auerbach Impossible Beings: Complicating Categories in Victorian Culture Professor, Theater and Performing Studies, Stanford University

Melissa Croghan

Peter Conn Alcohol and Art in 19th Century American Fiction: Studies of Poe and Stowe Independent Scholar

Gary R. Dyer

Stuart Curran British Satire and the Politics of Style, 1789-1832 Associate Prof. of English, Cleveland State University

Christopher Fassler

Rebecca Bushnell Coriolanus, Community, Theatre and 17th Century Commonwealth Winthrop College

Ellen Gruber Garvey

Peter Conn Commercial Fiction: Advertising and Fiction in American Magazines, 1880s to 1910s Assistant Professor of English, New Jersey City University

Jay Grossman

Betsy J. Erkkilä Emerson, Whitman and the Politics of Representation Assistant Professor of English, Northwestern University

David Herman

Vicki Mahaffey
Gerald Prince
Universal Grammar and Narrative Form: Structure, Meaning Context Associate Professor of English, North Carolina State University

Lisa Myers

Vicki Mahaffey Embodied Voices: Public and Private Self-Presentation in Modern Poetry Lecturer, UPenn

Judith Pascoe

Stuart Curran Staging Romanticism: The Self-Representation of the 1790's George Mills Harper Professor of English at Florida State University

Donna Rondolone

Edward B. (Ted) Irving The Clash of Oral-Heroic and Literate-Ricardian Ideals in the Alliterative 'Morte Arthure' Associate Teaching Professor of English

Vivienne Rundle

David DeLaura Framing the Reader: Responsibility and Design in Victorian and Early Modern Narrative Assistant Professor of English, University of Calgary

Valerie Sedlak

Alice van Buren Kelley From the Religious Dimension to the Spiritual Vision in the Novels of Graham Greene Associate Professor of English and Assistant Dean of Liberal Arts, College of Notre Dame of Maryland

Joseph Valente

Vicki Mahaffey James Joyce and the Problem of Justice: Crossing Sexual and Colonial Differences UB Distinguished Professor of English and Disability Studies at SUNY-Buffalo and Treasurer of the International Yeats Society

Thomas Wyly

Craig R. Thompson Cardinal Wolsey in Tudor and Stuart Literature: Relationships Between Renaissance Views of the Meaning of History and the Character of Literary Texts V.P. of Human Resources, Bentley College
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation Where they are now

Joanne Despres

Siegfried Wenzel Translation Techniques in the Romances of William Caxton Associate Editor, Merriam Webster, Inc.

Hilene Flanzbaum

David DeLaura Balancing Act: Robert Lowell's Impossible Career Associate Professor of English, Butler University

Teresa A. Goddu

Betsy J. Erkkilä The Haunted Text: Form and History in the American Gothic Associate Professor of English, Vanderbilt University

Susan Greenfield

Stuart Curran Novel Daughters: The Family Romance from Francis Burney to Jane Austen Professor of English, Fordham University

Andrea Henderson

Marjorie Levinson Romantic Identities: Models of Subjectivity in the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries Associate Professor of English, University of Michigan

Jorg Homberger

Robert Regan A Further Garden: The Gentleman Ideal in Southern Fiction, 1894-1904 Assistant Professor, Franklin and Marshall College

Katherine Kinney

Betsy J. Erkkilä Friendly Fire: American Identity and the Literature of the Vietnam War Associate Professor, UC-Riverside

Andrew Levy

Myra Jehlen
Peter Conn
Free Fiction: individual and Institutional Visions of the American Short Story, 1842-1982 Assistant Professor, Butler University

Elisabeth Magnus

Rebecca Bushnell Escaping the Dominion of Grace: Holy Power and the Mystic Subversion in 17th Century Texts Copy Editor, University of California Press

Jeff Masten

Margreta de Grazia
Peter Stallybrass
Textual Reproduction: Collaboration, Gender, and Authorship in Renaissance Drama Northwestern University, Associate Professor of English

Joe McGowan

James Rosier Old English Lexicographical Studies Associate Professor of English, University of San Diego

Jean Peterson

Phyllis Rackin This is not the Women's Age: Changing Representations of Gender in 17th Century English Drama Bucknell University, Associate Professor English

Jill Rosser

Vicki Mahaffey The Modern Solution: Absence and the Unsaid in Henry James and Samuel Beckett Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Houston

Changhong Wang

Wendy Stallard Flory 'Have No Twisty Thoughts': Ezra Pound's Translation of the Shih Ching Accountant, Private Law Firm

Susan Yager

Siegfried Wenzel Visual Perception in Chaucer Morrill Professor of English, Iowa State University
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation Where they are now

Lindon Barrett

Maureen Quilligan In the Dark: Issues of Value, Evaluation and Authority in 20th Century Critical Discourse Professor of English, University of California-Irvine

Allyson Booth

Vicki Mahaffey
Elaine Scarry
Post Cards from the Trenches: Negotiating the Space Between Modernism and the First World War Assistant Professor, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD

Elizabeth Bryan

Edward B. (Ted) Irving Layamon's Brut: Relationships Between the Two Versions Associate Professor, Brown University

Juliet Fleming

Maureen Quilligan Ladies' Men, the Ladies' Text, and the English Renaissance University of Cambridge, Assistant Lecturer of English

Cynthia Fuchs

Betsy J. Erkkilä
Wendy Steiner
Gazing: Gender, Performance, and Representation in Film Director of Film & Media Studies and Associate Professor of English, Film & Video Studies, African and African American Studies, Sport & American Culture, and Women and Gender Studies at George Mason University

Jennifer Green-Lewis

David DeLaura
Elaine Scarry
Signs of the Things Taken: Reading, Writing and the Nineteenth-Century Photograph Associate Professor of English, George Washington University

Kim Hall

Maureen Quilligan Acknowledging Thins of Darkness: Race, Gender, and Power in Early Modern England Georgetown University, Associate Professor of English

Robyn Landis

Robert Lucid The Family Business: Problems of Identity and Authority in Literature, Theory, and the Academy Author, U.S. Government (Health and Finance Advisory)

Gail McDonald

Robert Lucid Learning to be Modern: Pound, Eliot, and the American University

Janet Spencer

Maureen Quilligan The Politics of Mixed- Genre Drama: The Comic Treatment of Punishment Spectacles in Shakespeare Assistant Professor, Wingate University

Theresa Spitler

Robert Regan The Dilemma of Superiority: The Genius Character in American Fiction St. John's University, Assoc. Prof. of English and Writing

Wendy Vardaman

Peter Conn Constructing Houses: The Representation of Home in 20th Century American Autobiography Lecturer, University of Washington