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Maureen Quilligan

Dr. Quilligan is a specialist in the study of women and literature of the Renaissance. She received her B.A. and M.A. from the University of California at Berkeley and her Ph.D. from Harvard. She is the author of The Language of Allegory: Defining the Genre; Milton's Spenser: The Politics of Reading; and The Allegory of Female Authority: Christine de Pizan's Cite des Dames. She has also coedited two volumes of essays (Rewriting the Renaissance: The Discourses of Sexual Difference in Early Modern Europe and Subject and Object in Renaissance Culture), and is at work on three booklength projects: female political authority in the sixteenth century, incest and female agency, and slavery in the Renaissance epic.


Doctoral Dissertations Chaired


Susan Iwanisziw "The Place of Women in Early Modern English Closet Drama"


Zell Kravinsky "Paradox Glossed: Milton's Allegory of Masculine Transcendence"


Lindon Barrett "In the Dark: Issues of Value, Evaluation and Authority in 20th Century Critical Discourse"
Juliet Fleming "Ladies' Men, the Ladies' Text, and the English Renaissance"
Kim Hall "Acknowledging Thins of Darkness: Race, Gender, and Power in Early Modern England"
Janet Spencer "The Politics of Mixed- Genre Drama: The Comic Treatment of Punishment Spectacles in Shakespeare"


Gwynne Kennedy "The Nature of Sexual Difference in the English Renaissance"
Wendy Wall "The Shapes of Desire: Printing, Publication, and Renaissance Cultural Forms"


Philip Edward Pedley "The Place of Hierarchy in Milton's Thought"


Julie Solomon "Magicians and Travellers: The Representation of Human Knowing in the English Drama and Prose of the late 16th and early 17th centuries"


Sayre N. Greenfield "Backwards Glances at Faerieland: Spencer's Settings in The Faerie Queene"

Courses Taught

fall 1997

ENGL 201.302 Major British Writers  

spring 1997

ENGL 201.305 Major British Writers  
ENGL 537.401 Renaissance Epic  

fall 1996

ENGL 201.305 Major British Writers  

spring 1996

fall 1995

ENGL 101.001 Shakespeare