Maureen Quilligan
Doctoral Dissertations Chaired
Susan Iwanisziw
"The Place of Women in Early Modern English Closet Drama"
Zell Kravinsky
"Paradox Glossed: Milton's Allegory of Masculine Transcendence"
Lindon Barrett
"In the Dark: Issues of Value, Evaluation and Authority in 20th Century Critical Discourse"
Juliet Fleming
"Ladies' Men, the Ladies' Text, and the English Renaissance"
Kim Hall
"Acknowledging Thins of Darkness: Race, Gender, and Power in Early Modern England"
Janet Spencer
"The Politics of Mixed- Genre Drama: The Comic Treatment of Punishment Spectacles in Shakespeare"
Gwynne Kennedy
"The Nature of Sexual Difference in the English Renaissance"
Wendy Wall
"The Shapes of Desire: Printing, Publication, and Renaissance Cultural Forms"
Philip Edward Pedley
"The Place of Hierarchy in Milton's Thought"
Julie Solomon
"Magicians and Travellers: The Representation of Human Knowing in the English Drama and Prose of the late 16th and early 17th centuries"
Sayre N. Greenfield
"Backwards Glances at Faerieland: Spencer's Settings in The Faerie Queene"