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Graduate English Doctoral Alumni

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Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation

Gerald A. Bello

Gerald Clifford Weales Myth Making in Beckett: A Study of the Proper Names in the Author's Work

Jeffrey Erksine

Carol L. Bernstein The Rhetoric of the first Person Novel

Neil Fraistat

Stuart Curran The Extended Poem: The Romantic Use of the Poetic Volume

Pat C. Hoy II

Alice van Buren Kelley E.M. Forster: Pagan Humanist

Elizabeth McGrail

Alice van Buren Kelley The Short Stories and Novelettes of D.H. Lawrence: Evolution of the Theme of Social Responsibility

Lois Overbeck

Gerald Clifford Weales The Function of Comic Patterns in the Plays of Beckett, Pinter, and Albee

Carol Stillman

Humphrey Tonkin Spenser's Elect England: A Study of Religious and Historical Allegory in The Faerie Queene

Robert Stillman

Humphrey Tonkin Sidney's Arcadian Eclogues and Renaissance Pastoral Traditions
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation

James Andres

James L. Rosier Negative Indirection in Anglo-Saxon Poetry, Exclusive of Beowulf

Richard G. Androne

Robert Regan Character in Selected Works of Henry Adams

Richard A. Betts

Robert Lucid The Use of Historical Materials by Five Contemporary American Writers

Joseph Browne

Patricia McFate Aspects of the Art of Liam O'Flaherty

Mary Anne Caporaletti Dewsnap

Carol L. Bernstein Tragedy of the English Romantic Period: the Problem of Form

Griffith Dudding

Robert Lucid Between Two Worlds: An Analysis of J.P. Donleavy's Use of "The Outsider" as Protagonist in His Novels

William C. Hale

James L. Rosier An Edition of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge MS 214

Burney J. Hollis

Arthur Hawley (Joe) Scouten These Low Grounds of Sorrow: The Life and Works of Waters Edward Turpin

Linda K. Howe

Charles Impey Thompson The Anatomy in the English Renaissance: An Historical Study of a Literary Paradigm

Anthony J O’Keeffe

Lucas Wood The Concept of Plot and the Early Novels of Charles Dickens

Kelly S. Reed

David DeLaura Music in the Art and Thought of Robert Browning

Judith A. Scheffler

Robert Lucid The 'Ultra-Character' in Postwar American Fiction: A Study of the Progressive Abstraction of Characterization in Novels from the 1950's to the Present

Dwight Thomas

Robert Regan Poe's Philadelphia, 1838-1844

Bruce I. Weiner

Robert Regan The Art that was Used Up: Poe's Exploitation of Narrative Conventions
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation

Mary Jane Androne

Carol L. Bernstein The Clergyman and the Community: A Study of the Changing Nature of Clerics' Social Roles in the Novels of George Eliot

Don Z. Block

Robert Yongue Turner The Satiric Tragedies of Thomas Middleton

David H. Flood

Stuart Curran Point of View in Byron's Don Juan

Ann B. Gardiner

James L. Rosier Narrative Technique and Verbal Style in Percevals Saga: A Comparative Study of the Old Norse vErsion of Chretien De Troyes' Perceval

John R. Getz

Robert Regan Frederick Goddard Tuckerman: His Time and Place

Ian E. Glenn

Joel Osborne Conarroe T.S. Eliot and Wallace Stevens: the Poetics of the Moment

Elizabeth I. Hanson

Daniel Hoffman The Indian Metaphor in the American Renaissance

Bonnie Skell Hardwick

Robert Regan The Literature of the Geologic Surveys of the West

Susan Hilligoss

James L. Rosier Conventional Style in Middle English Tail-Rhyme Romance

Francis J. Morris

Jeanne Krochalis Myth as a Shaping Force in C.S. Lewis's Critical Assessment of Medieval and Renaissance Literature

Hugh Ormsby-Lennon

Paul Korshin Words and Worlds: Some Seventeenth Century Speech Communities and Their Verbal Universes

George R. Pitts

Stuart Curran The Romantic Re-vision of Spenser: the Presence of Spenser in the Poetry of the High Romantics

Carol K. Scholz

Robert Lucid They Share the Suffering: The Psychoanalyst in American Fiction between 1920 and 1940

Judith Shaw

Siegfried Wenzel Gower's Art of Adapting tales to the Thematic Structure of the "Confessio Amantis" (Books I-III)

Richard L. White

Alice van Buren Kelley Conrad, Forster, Woolf, and Lawrence as Critics of the Novel

Nancy R. Wicker

David DeLaura The Golden Echo: A Study of Hopkins' Philosphy, Poetics, and Poetry

Ernest Yates

Joel Osborne Conarroe In the Land of the Lemon Trees: The Exotic in Wallace Stevens

Ion P Zottos

Arthur Hawley (Joe) Scouten Early Critics of Opera in England
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation

Susan D. Brienza

Robert F. Storey The Development of Beckett's New Style

John J. Dooling

David DeLaura The Late Victorian Novel of Culture

James M. Gibson

Robert Mayer Lumiansky The Literary and Musical Development of the Sheperds Play in Medieval Liturgy and the Middle English Mystery Play

Philip B. Grant

Maurice O. Johnson William Blake's The Everlasting Gospel: A Study

Andrea Jacoby

Robert Lucid Apocalyptic Vision in Post-World II Novels: Studies in the Works of Barth, Bellow, Burroughs, Ellison, Heller, Mailer and Vonnegut

Richard Jared Lubarsky

Robert Lucid The Instructive Fact of History: A study of Robert Penn Warren's Brother to Dragons

Margaret M. McBride

Alice van Buren Kelley The Mechanics of Time: James Joyce's Ulysses

Russ McDonald

Robert Yongue Turner A Study of Ben Jonson's Dependence upon Intrigue Comedy

Linda McMeniman

Robert F. Storey Design and Experiment in Gertrude Stein's The Making of Americans

Linda H. Meeker

Stuart Curran The Function of the Narrator in the Poetry of William Wordsworth

Agnes M. O’Donnell

Daniel Hoffman A Study of the Plays of W. H. Auden

Keith Reierstad

David DeLaura The Demon in the House; or, the Domestication of Gothic int he Novels of Wilkie Collins

Dana Ricciardi

James L. Rosier Critical Edition of Four Poetic Fragments in Old and Middle English

Powell Stackhouse Thomas

Morse Peckham John Stuart Mill's Problem: The Unsuccessful Reconciliation of the Individual with Society

Douglas R. Wilmes

Hennig Cohen The Satiric Mode in Melville's Fiction: Pierre, Israel Potter, The Confidence-Man, and the Short Stories
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation

Judith Barlow

Gerald Clifford Weales The Late Works of Eugene O'Neill: The Plays and the process of Composition

Patrick Buckridge

Robert Yongue Turner The Playful Drama of John Marston

Paul Christensen

Daniel Hoffman The Field and the Well: An Anatomy of Open Form Poetics, 1945-1970

Marsha A. Freeman

Robert Lucid Van Wyck Brooks and Newton Arvin: Their Friendship and Correspondence

Lydia Carolina Gordon

Peter Conn Sylvia Plath (1932-1963): A Critical Study

Vishwas P. Govitrikar

Gerald Clifford Weales Formalistic Literary Theory: The Sate of the Art

Mary B. Guthrow

Theodore Hornberger Tales of the Revolution: The Revolutionary War in American Fiction Before 1860

John G. Heckathorn

Lucas Wood The Fiction and Criticism of Aldous Huxley

John C. Kemp

Daniel Hoffman Robert Frost and the Traidtion of New England Regional Literature: A Search for Literary Identity

Stephen F. Lappert

Robert Mayer Lumiansky The Sowdon of Babylon: A Critical Edition

James A. Levernier

Hennig Cohen The Uses and Forms of the Indian Captivity Narratives

Rebecca McBride

Robert Lucid Richard Wright's Use of His Reading

Jill McKinney

Hennig Cohen Melville and the Law

Miriam Y. Miller

Edward B. (Ted) Irving A Study of Deprivation in Old English, Old Icelandic, and Old Saxon

Katherine O’Keeffe

James L. Rosier The Book of Genesis in Anglo-Saxon England

Richard F. Patteson

Alice van Buren Kelley The Eyes of Madness: Narrative Technique in Nabokov's English Novels

Josephine A. Roberts

Charles Impey Thompson Architectonic Knowledge in the New Arcadia (1590) : Sidney's Use of the Epic Journey

Maureen A. Sabine

Humphrey Tonkin The Social and Literary Significance of Childhood in Selected 17th Century Poetry

Jacob Salomon

Arthur Hawley (Joe) Scouten Pre-Twentieth Century Dramatic Burlesques of Shakespeare

Fredric Weiss

Maurice O. Johnson Satiric Aspects of the Early Gothic Novel
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation

Fay E Beauchamp

Robert Lucid William Faulkner's Use of the Tragic Mulatto Myth

Martin J. Bickman

Robert Regan A Jungian Analysis of Poe, Whitman, and Dickinson

Ellen Brandt

Theodore Hornberger A Critical Study of Susanna Haswell Rowson

George R. Bridge Jr

Theophilus Ernest Martin Boll The Belief of an Unbeliever: The Theological Implications in Edward Morgan Forster's A Passage to India

Melissa A. Cannon

Robert Regan Confessional Poetry: A Study of Critical Terminology

James W Christie

Carol L. Bernstein Satiric Strategies and Apocalyptic Vision in Dickens' Later Novels

Susan K. Dietz

Gerald Clifford Weales The Work of Ronald Ribman

Robert A Foster

Robert Armstrong Pratt The Romances of the Middle English Frontier

Gerald T. Goodman

Gerald Clifford Weales The Black Theatre Movement

Theodora Rapp Graham

Joel Osborne Conarroe Woman as Idea and Symbol in the Works of William Carlos Williams

David L. Greene

Arthur Hawley (Joe) Scouten A Study of the Plays of Sir John Vanbrugh

Kevin J. Harty

Robert Mayer Lumiansky The Eschatology of the Chester Cycle

Rita D. Jacobs

Robert Lucid The American Academic Novel Since 1960

Jacqueline Jones

Lucas Wood The Novels of Muriel Spark

Gail C Levin

Robert Regan Grace Elizabeth King: Her Life and Works

Mark Levin

Paul Korshin Eighteenth Century Literature and Numismatics

Alan C Lupack

James L. Rosier Structure and Tradition in the Poems of the Alliterative Revival

Susan May

Matthias Adam Shaaber A History of the Criticism of "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

Moylan C. Mills

Robert Lucid The Literary Reputation of Richard Wright

Bruce E Petree

Theodore Hornberger William Cullen Bryant and American Poetry, 1829-1860

Cynthia Stodola Pomerleau

Maurice O. Johnson Early Autobiographical Writings of English Women (1650-1800)

Katherine M Riley

Lucas Wood The Clerical Hierarchy as a Symbol of Change in Trollope's Barchester Novels

Chester Sadowy

Theodore Hornberger Benjamin Colman as Literary Artist

Roderick S. Speer

Gabriele Johanna Bernhard Jackson Scott's Influence on Byron

Robert J. Wagner

Daniel Hoffman British Poets of World War II: Keith Douglas, Charles Causley, Lawrence Durrell

Jeanne M. Walker

Humphrey Tonkin Renaissance Aesthetics in The Faerie Queene
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation

Marice Cecile Bezdek

Robert Armstrong Pratt Medieval Literary Concepts of Tragedy and Comedy

Charles G. Bickford

Robert Armstrong Pratt Chaucer's Use of Rhetoric; with Emphasis on His Portraits

Carolyn Craft

Robert Mayer Lumiansky The Context of Human Freedom from Geoffrey of Monmouth to Malory

Sarah Daugherty

Daniel Hoffman The Literary Criticism of Henry James: 1864–1884

Seth A. Eisner

Carol L. Bernstein The Language of Character Creation in Jane Austen's Novel's

Brian Gallagher

Robert Lucid The Historical Consciousness of Edmund Wilson

Robert J. Graham

Hennig Cohen An Interpretation of Concepts of Women in American Literature, 1813–1871

Michael F. Harper

Daniel Hoffman Beyond Romanticism: The Poetry of Ezra Pound

James D. Hauser

Daniel Hoffman The Closed Universe of Flannery O'Connor

Patricia L. Herban

Timothy J. Materer D.H. Lawrence and War

Marie J. Hertzig

James L. Rosier The Continuity of Middle English Texts: Early Modern Recension and Reading of Certain Middle English Texts

Judith F. Hodgson

Arthur Hawley (Joe) Scouten Human Beauty in Eighteenth-Century English Literature

Norman Hostetler

Daniel Hoffman Nathaniel Hawthorne's Use of Various Techniques of irony and Point of View

Susan Kaplan Becker

Carol L. Bernstein Narrative Form in Pater's Fiction: A Study of Marius the Epicurean, Imaginary Portraits, and Gaston de Latour

James T. Kelleher

Theodore Hornberger Hugh Henry Brackenridge as Literary Artist

Martin Kellman

Timothy J. Materer A Study of the once and Future King by T.H. White

Barbara M. Long

Hennig Cohen A Critical Edition of Clarence King's Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada

Daniel J. Lynch

Arthur Hawley (Joe) Scouten The Theme of Imprisonment in Eighteenth Century Fiction

James W. Nechas

Hennig Cohen Repetition in the Language of Moby-Dick

Peter Nicholson

Robert Mayer Lumiansky The Literary Relations of Chaucer's Shipman's Tale

Gerald V. O’Flaherty

Clyde de Loache Ryals The Victorian Religious Novel

Ronald J Palumbo

Robert Yongue Turner The Distinctiveness of Marston's Dramatic Satire

Samuel Powers

Benjamin F. Fisher The Development of Tennyson's English Idylls

Honora F. Rankine-Galloway

Robert Lucid The Impact of the 1961 Tropic of Cancer Publication on the American Literary Community

Gerard C. Reedy

Paul Korshin Restoration Hermeneutics: How Some Restoration Authors Read and Saw

Michael Roman

Humphrey Tonkin If We could Spell: the aesthetic of George Herbert as found in the poems themselves and as compared to the aesthetic of his followers

Keith D Slocum

Robert Yongue Turner Ben Jonson's dramatic craft: a study of point of view in Jonson's major plays

Craig Williamson

James L. Rosier Old English Riddles of the Exeter Book: A Critical Edition

Georgianna Ziegler

Robert Mayer Lumiansky Queen Guinevere: Study of her Character in English and French Medieval Literature
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation

Thomas M. Akstens

Maurice O. Johnson Pope and History

Gail Bickford

Robert Mayer Lumiansky An Edition of the Middle English Metrical Romance, The Seege of Troye

Cynthia Bourgeault

Robert Mayer Lumiansky The Jongleur Art

Daniel Bronson

Robert Lucid In Pursuit of the Elusive Present: A Study of the Prose Narratives and Poetry of Norman Mailer

Ann Cline Kelly

Maurice O. Johnson Jonathan Swift's Dramatic Poems

John E. Connolly

Paul Korshin King Lear in its 18th Century Editions

Wystan Curnow

Morse Peckham Clarel by Herman Medville

Jonathan Dietz

Arthur Hawley (Joe) Scouten The Structure of Dramatic Satire in the Plays of George Farquar

Vincent DiMarco

Robert Armstrong Pratt The Moral Values of Chaucer's Knight and Squire, and their Aesthetic Formulations int he Canterbury Tales

Jay A. Gertzman

Humphrey Tonkin Innovation and Tradition in Herrick's Pastoral Lyrics: A Study of the Continuity of a Renaissance Poetic Form

Jane E. Gulick

Theodore Hornberger The Moral Vision of William Dean Howells and Its Effect Upon His Major Novels

Judith B. Hodge

Robert Regan The Essential Constant: Structure and Meaning in Selected Novels of Henry James

Ian M. Irvine

Maurice O. Johnson Metaphoric Representation in the Novels of Jane Austen

Stephen Karpowitz

Daniel Hoffman Mark Twain: A Satirist's Struggles with Conscience and Conceit

Lois S. Keates

Herbert Howarth The Novels of Irish Murdoch: Myth, Morals, and Metaphysics

Harry Krynicky

Carol L. Bernstein A Variorum Text of Robert Browning's Christmas-Eve and Easter-Day

Sheldon W Liebman

Daniel Hoffman The Fearful Sympathy: A Study of Selected Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne

H.F Lippincott, Jr.

Roland Mushat Frye Clowns and Fools of Renaissance England

Edna Z. Manlapaz

George Malcolm Laws William Cowper's Olney Hymns: A Literary Study

John S Mann

Robert Regan The Leashed Serpent: A Study of Emily Dickinson's Poetry

Leon E. Markowicz

Roland Mushat Frye The Role of Alberico Gentili, Regius Professor of Law at Oxford and the "Father of International Law," in the Elizabethan Stage Controversy

Gertrude McBride Eaton

Clyde de Loache Ryals The Religious Writings of Matthew Arnold as Continuing Expressions of Matthew Arnold, the Critic

Philip McCaffrey

Robert Mayer Lumiansky An Examination of The Chester Mystery Cycle

Kim Melnikoff

Clyde de Loache Ryals An Edition of the Correspondence of Wm. Michael Rossetti and Mackenzie Bell

Ellen E Morgan

Robert Lucid Neo-Feminism and Modern Literature

John J Moriarity

Maurice O. Johnson Subversive John Gay: Satiric Intention and Method in His Poetry

Louis Oldani

Theodore Hornberger A Study of Dreiser's The "Genius"

David Parker

Theodore Hornberger The Application of Humiliation: Ramist Logic and the Rise of Preparationism in New England

Barbara M. Perkins

James Gordon An Edition of "The Disputation between Body and Soul"

Robert A Podewils

Gerald Clifford Weales A Critical Study of the Tragicomedies of Beaumont and Fletcher

Diane Purdy Lichstein

James L. Rosier The Stylistic Backgrounds of Piers Plowman

Charles A Russell

Clyde de Loache Ryals The Poems of John Clare

Erwin Schawacker

Clyde de Loache Ryals The Narrator-Persona of the Novels of Anthony Trollope

Christine W Sizemore

Roland Mushat Frye The Literary Artistry of John Bunyan's The Holy War

Stephen Spangehl

Robert Mayer Lumiansky An Edition of the Alliterative Morte Arthure, with Textual Notes and Glossary

John W Tallon

Theodore Hornberger The Aesthetic Attitudes of Jonathan Edwards

Jeffrey Woodward

Robert Lucid The Fitzgerald Legend
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation

Michael L Baumann

Robert Regan B. Traven's Place in American Literature

Randolph Bufano

Clyde de Loache Ryals The Critical Reputation of Lord Macaulay Since 1830, Together With an Annotated Bibliography

Philip H. Bufithis

Robert Lucid The Psychiatrist/Psychologist Figure in the Fiction of Major Contemporary American Novelists

Jacqueline de Weever

Robert Armstrong Pratt A Biographical Dictionary of Proper Names in Chaucer

Paul R Doran

Arthur Hawley (Joe) Scouten Swift and the Roman Catholics

James E Evans

Maurice O. Johnson Fielding's Supporting Characters in the Structure of Joseph Andrews, Tom Jones, and Amelia

Joseph J. Feeney

Theodore Hornberger American Anti-War Literature of World War I: Six Major Figures

George F Freije

Robert Yongue Turner The Complex Art of George Chapman: A Study of the Tragedies

Stanley Gutin

John Mark Longaker Yeats' Prose Narratives: A Consideration of Their Relationship to the Poetry

Charles J Haberstroh, Jr.

Hennig Cohen Melville's Fathers

J. Paxton Hart, Jr.

Robert Armstrong Pratt Thomas Tyrwhitt (1730-1736) As Annotator and Glossarist of the Canterbury Tales

William C Horne

Maurice O. Johnson Style and Diction in Samuel Butler's Hudibras

Kathryn Hume

Robert Mayer Lumiansky The Owl and the Nightingale: Its Traditions and Art

David E James

Matthew Johnson The Structure of Blake's Milton

Philip M Keith

Daniel Hoffman The Idea of Quakerism in American Literature

Barbara F. Lynch

Roland Mushat Frye Shakespeare's Comic Plots and the Nature of Man: A Study of the Relationship Between the Romantic and the Low Life Plots in Light of Man's Unique Position in the Great Chain of Being

William F Lynch

Roland Mushat Frye Change and Stasis in the Two Gentlemen of Verona

Karen B Mann

Clyde de Loache Ryals The Presentation of Moral Growth and Education in the Novels of George Eliot

Sister Sara McAlpin

Theodore Hornberger Enlightening the Commonplace: The Art of Sarah Jewett, Willa Cather and Ruth Suckow

David B McGrail

Herbert Howarth The Narrator in the Fiction of Joseph Conrad

Patricia McMurray

Robert Regan Union and Identificiation: Whitman, the Reader, the Universe

Brian L Mihm

Clyde de Loache Ryals George Meredith's Theory of the Novel

Nancy R Norris

Daniel Hoffman The Horse Which Came Home to Roost: Theme and Form in Faulkner's Snopes Trlogy

Nadine Ollman

Paul Korshin The Literary Criticism of William Warburton

Ruth Perlmutter

Herbert Howarth Arthur Waley 1889-1996

John C Riely

Maurice O. Johnson The literary rivalry of James Boswell and Mrs. Piozzi as biographers of Samuel Johnson

Thomas A Tenney

Hennig Cohen Mark Twain's Travel Sketches in the Newspapers
Alumnus Director(s) Title of Dissertation

Wilbur T Albrecht

Morse Peckham The Prose Romances of William Morris

William W Bonney

Robert D. Bamberg The Artistic Function of the Inconsistent Point of View in Selected Novels of Joseph Conrad

Patricia M Boyle

Herbert Howarth The Development of a Critical Perspective in the Novels of Elizabeth Gaskell

Jack Christ

Clyde de Loache Ryals History and Personality in the Autobiographies of Edward Gibbon, John Stuart Mill, John Henry Cardinal Newman, and Henry Adams

Judith Reiter Cohen

Herbert Howarth The Holy Estate; D. H. Lawrence's Views on Marriage

Laura J Corwin

Clyde de Loache Ryals The Concept of the Self in the Novels of Jane Austen

Paul A Cruser

Theodore Hornberger The Ficiton of Flannery O'Conner

Celia Bidwell Diamond

James L. Rosier Alliterative Figurations, Syntax, and Meaning in Old Middle English Poetry

Ruth L Hallford

Herbert Howarth The Early Fiction of Samuel Beckett

Frank M. Laurence

Robert Lucid The Motion Picture Adaptations of Ernest Hemingway's Fiction

Charlotte Lord

Gerald Clifford Weales American Plays Translated into Italian and Produced in Italy Since World War II

Henry W Matalene III

Robert Mayer Lumiansky A Conjecture Concerning Dramatic Presentation: With New Readings of Etherege's The Man of Mode and Cibber's The Careless Husband

Stuart Y McDougal

Daniel Hoffman A Parnassian in Provence: Ezra Pound and the Troubadour Tradition

Toby A Olshin

Maurice O. Johnson Sterne's Concept of the Imagination in Tristram Shandy

John J Perry

Arthur Hawley (Joe) Scouten The Influence of the 'Literary Scot' on the Changing Diction of 18th Century English Prose

Elaine Plaskow Maimon

Robert Lucid The Biographical Myth of F. Scott Fitzgerald (1950-1968), as Reflected in American Periodical Publications

R.J.P. Rao

Hennig Cohen Early American Interest in Vedic Literature and Vedantic Philosophy

Eusebio Leo Rodrigues

Robert Lucid Theme and Structure in the Novels of Saul Bellow

Lance Schachterle

Clyde de Loache Ryals Dickens and the Serial Novel

Thomas E Scheye

Roland Mushat Frye Shakespeare's Comic World: Patterns of Self-Discovery in the First Four Comedies

Mark Siegchrist

Clyde de Loache Ryals Browning's Experiemnts in Dramatic Monologue After the Ring and the Book

Donald R Stoddard

Edward Sculley Bradley Horace L Traubel: A Crtical Biography

John Richard Stracke

James L. Rosier The Vocabulary of the Lambeth Psalter Glosses

Peter S. Weygant

Paul Korshin John Oldham as Poet and Critic

Helen M Yanko

Herbert Howarth Conrad as Psychologist