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Robert Lucid

Kelly Writers House Remembers

Robert Lucid had a background in 19th and 20th century American literature and in the study of Modernism across cultures.  He taught courses concerning mass-audience literacy and literature in America. His research interests focused on Norman Mailer, about whom he had edited two books.  He was in the process of completing Mailer's authorized biography before he passed away.  For his teaching he was awarded both the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching and the Ira Abrams Award.



Robert Lucid Memorial Information

Doctoral Dissertations Chaired


Rosemarie Fabien "The Atlantic Monthly's American Idea: The Evolution of Editorial Policy"


Robyn Landis "The Family Business: Problems of Identity and Authority in Literature, Theory, and the Academy"
Gail McDonald "Learning to be Modern: Pound, Eliot, and the American University"


Frank P. Fox ""I'm a city boy myself" A Study of Saul Bellow's Urban Fictions"
John R. Gaggin "Hemingway and Aestheticism"


John Robert Shea "'The Imagination of Alternatives': (New) American Review and Contemporary American Writing"


Jo Ann Bomze "The Structure of William Faulkner's Collected Stories"
Beverly Narod Hindin "Death and the Imaginative Vision in Modern and Post-Modern Fiction"


Richard A. Betts "The Use of Historical Materials by Five Contemporary American Writers"
Griffith Dudding "Between Two Worlds: An Analysis of J.P. Donleavy's Use of "The Outsider" as Protagonist in His Novels "
Judith A. Scheffler "The 'Ultra-Character' in Postwar American Fiction: A Study of the Progressive Abstraction of Characterization in Novels from the 1950's to the Present"


Carol K. Scholz "They Share the Suffering: The Psychoanalyst in American Fiction between 1920 and 1940"


Andrea Jacoby "Apocalyptic Vision in Post-World II Novels: Studies in the Works of Barth, Bellow, Burroughs, Ellison, Heller, Mailer and Vonnegut"
Richard Jared Lubarsky "The Instructive Fact of History: A study of Robert Penn Warren's Brother to Dragons "


Marsha A. Freeman "Van Wyck Brooks and Newton Arvin: Their Friendship and Correspondence"
Rebecca McBride "Richard Wright's Use of His Reading"


Fay E Beauchamp "William Faulkner's Use of the Tragic Mulatto Myth "
Rita D. Jacobs "The American Academic Novel Since 1960"
Moylan C. Mills "The Literary Reputation of Richard Wright"


Brian Gallagher "The Historical Consciousness of Edmund Wilson"
Honora F. Rankine-Galloway "The Impact of the 1961 Tropic of Cancer Publication on the American Literary Community"


Daniel Bronson "In Pursuit of the Elusive Present: A Study of the Prose Narratives and Poetry of Norman Mailer"
Ellen E Morgan "Neo-Feminism and Modern Literature "
Jeffrey Woodward "The Fitzgerald Legend"


Philip H. Bufithis "The Psychiatrist/Psychologist Figure in the Fiction of Major Contemporary American Novelists"


Frank M. Laurence "The Motion Picture Adaptations of Ernest Hemingway's Fiction "
Elaine Plaskow Maimon "The Biographical Myth of F. Scott Fitzgerald (1950-1968), as Reflected in American Periodical Publications"
Eusebio Leo Rodrigues "Theme and Structure in the Novels of Saul Bellow"


F. Lannon Smith "Man and Minister in Recent American Fiction"


Joel H Roache III "Richard Eberhart: Poet in America, 1904-1961"

Courses Taught

spring 1996

ENGL 592.301 Imagining Universities  

fall 1995

spring 1995