(August 26, 1919 - December 12, 1996)
Hennig Cohen, American English educator. Decorated Air medal with five oak leaf clusters.; Guggenheim fellow, 1960, Newberry Library fellow, 1976, National Endowment for Humanities fellow Winterthur Museum, 1980-1981.
AB, University of Southern California, 1941; Master of Arts, University of Southern California, 1948; Doctor of Philosophy, Tulane University, 1951; Master of Arts (honorary), University Pennsylvania, 1971.
News editor station, WCOS, Columbia, South Carolina., 1945-1946; director public relations, University of Southern California, Columbia, 1946-1956; assistant Professor of English, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1957-1961; associate professor, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1961-1965; professor, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1965-1974; John Welsh Centennial professor of history and literature, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1974-1992; lecturer, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1992-1996. Visiting lecturer Bryn Mawr College, 1962-1963, Swarthmore College, 1963-1964, 65. Visiting professor Stanford University, 1968, U. Delhi, 1982, Doshisha U., Kyoto, Japan, 1988, U. Sussex, England, 1989.
Fulbright professor American studies U. London, 1973-1974, U. Budapest, 1978.