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Clyde de Loache Ryals

Doctoral Dissertations Chaired


Gerald V. O’Flaherty "The Victorian Religious Novel"


Gertrude McBride Eaton "The Religious Writings of Matthew Arnold as Continuing Expressions of Matthew Arnold, the Critic"
Kim Melnikoff "An Edition of the Correspondence of Wm. Michael Rossetti and Mackenzie Bell "
Charles A Russell "The Poems of John Clare"
Erwin Schawacker "The Narrator-Persona of the Novels of Anthony Trollope"


Randolph Bufano "The Critical Reputation of Lord Macaulay Since 1830, Together With an Annotated Bibliography"
Karen B Mann "The Presentation of Moral Growth and Education in the Novels of George Eliot"
Brian L Mihm "George Meredith's Theory of the Novel "


Jack Christ "History and Personality in the Autobiographies of Edward Gibbon, John Stuart Mill, John Henry Cardinal Newman, and Henry Adams"
Laura J Corwin "The Concept of the Self in the Novels of Jane Austen"
Lance Schachterle "Dickens and the Serial Novel "
Mark Siegchrist "Browning's Experiemnts in Dramatic Monologue After the Ring and the Book"


Geoggrey Carter "Carlyle's Use of Metaphor in His Essays"
Stephen J. Spector "The Poetry of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the English Romantic Tradition"


Joseph Solimine "Tennyson and the Tradition of Burke "