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University of Pennsylvania
School of Arts and Sciences
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Penn Calendar
Department of English
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Department of English
intellectual life
> 1999 spring
undergraduate Courses
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Course Grouping
English Major Requirement
Course Number
Intermediate Level Courses
Major British Writers 1350-1660
ENGL 020.301
Nida Surber
MWF 12
Major British Writers 1350-1660
ENGL 020.302
David Wallace
TR 3-4:30
Major British Writers 1350-1660
ENGL 020.303
Jerry Denno
ENGL 025.001
Lawrence Warner
TR 12-1:30
Intro. English Renaissance
ENGL 030.001
Jerry Denno
MWF 12
Major British Poets 1660-Present
ENGL 040.301
Lawrence Warner
TR 9-10:30
Major British Poets 1660-Present
ENGL 040.302
Lawrence Warner
TR 3-4:30
Major British Poets 1660-Present
ENGL 040.303
John Richetti
MWF 10
Satire & Irony
ENGL 049.001
John Richetti
MWF 12
Romantic Poets
ENGL 050.001
Susan Stewart
TR 10:30-12
19th Century British Novel
ENGL 055.001
Nina Auerbach
TR 1:30-3
Major British Novel 1660-1914
ENGL 060.001
Elaine Freedgood
TR 12-1:30
20th Century British Novel
ENGL 065.001
Rena Potok
TR 10:30-12
Science and Literature
ENGL 075.001
Mark Adams
Modern Drama: Ibsen - WW I
ENGL 076.401
Jerry Denno
MWF 10
Topics in Theatre History
ENGL 078.401
Cary Mazer
TR 3-4:30
Intro to American Literature
ENGL 080.001
Lark Hall
MWF 11
American Literature 1870-1900
ENGL 083.001
Nancy Bentley
TR 9-10:30
Modern American Literature Post-1945
ENGL 085.401
Chiang, Mark -
MWF 11
Film and Literature
ENGL 092.401
John Katz
TR 3-4:30
Folklore and Literature
ENGL 094.401
[node:field_people_firstname] Bendix
TR 1:30-3
Advanced Seminars
Literary Theory
ENGL 204.401
Jean-Michel Rabaté
MW 3-4:30
Electronic Lit Seminar
ENGL 205.401
Stuart Curran
MW 3-4:30
Topics in Chaucer
ENGL 225.301
Nida Surber
MWF 10
Topics in Shakespeare
ENGL 235.301
Rayna Margrit Kalas
MW 3-4:30 Screenings R 4:30-6:30
Stage Shakespeare
ENGL 236.401
Cary Mazer
TR 12-1:30
Topics in 18th Century Lit
ENGL 241.301
Paul Korshin
MWF 11
Topics in 19th Century Novel
ENGL 255.301
Elaine Freedgood
TR 3-4:30
Topics in 19th Century Novel
ENGL 255.302
Nina Auerbach
T 6:30-9:10
Advanced Topics in Narrative
ENGL 260.401
William Labov
TR 3-4:30
Topics in Modern British Novel
ENGL 265.301
Jean-Michel Rabaté
R 1:30-4:30
Topics in Modern British Novel
ENGL 265.401
Rita Barnard
MWF 10
Poetry and Poetics
ENGL 270.301
Bob Perelman
TR 12-1:30
20th C. Performance Reclaims the Classics
ENGL 271.602
Jim Schlatter
TR 5-6:30
Topics in Asian American Literature
ENGL 272.401
Chiang, Mark -
Topics in African-American Literature
ENGL 281.401
Herman Beavers
TR 12-1:30
Topics in American Literature 1900-45
ENGL 284.301
Herman Beavers
TR 9-10:30
Literary Non-Fiction
ENGL 285.301
Gay Talese
W 3-6
Contemporary American Culture in Literature
ENGL 285.302
Dana Phillips
W 6:30-9:10
Topics in American Literature
ENGL 286.301
David Espey
MWF 11
Topics in American Literature
ENGL 286.401
Eric Cheyfitz
Farah Jasmine Griffin
TR 9-10:30
Topics in Women and Literature
ENGL 290.401
Rena Potok
T 1:30-4:30
Sicily in Film and Literature
ENGL 292.404
Milicent Marcus
TR 10:30-12
Directors Cinema & Comedy
ENGL 292.401
John Katz
TR 12-1:30
European Directors
ENGL 292.402
M. Wood
W 2-5
Irish Film and Literature
ENGL 292.403
Rena Potok
R 1:30-4:30
Topics in Literature and Society:Writing Sexual Nonconformity
ENGL 293.401
Christopher Looby
English Honors Program
The Honors Program
ENGL 311.301
Susan Stewart
TR 3-4:30
Creative Writing Seminars
Words Into Print
ENGL 098.301
Paul Korshin
W 2-5
Fiction Writing Workshop
ENGL 112.301
Lorene Cary
M 2-5
Playwriting Workshop
ENGL 114.401
M. Hollinger
M 2-5
Advanced Fiction Writing
ENGL 115.301
Diane McKinney-Whetstone
W 2-5
Screenwriting Workshop
ENGL 116.301
Marc Lapadula
M 2-5
Advanced Poetry Writing
ENGL 118.301
Greg Djanikian
T 1:30-4:30
Writing the Essay
ENGL 125.301
Darlene Evans
Creative Non-Fiction Writing
ENGL 135.301
Lorene Cary
W 2-5
Creative Non-Fiction Writing
ENGL 135.303
Cathy Crimmins
M 2-5
Advanced Non-Fiction
ENGL 145.301
Paul Hendrickson
T 1:30-4:30
Advanced Non-Fiction
ENGL 145.302
Michael Vitez
W 2-5
Master of Liberal Arts
Topics in Women and Literature
ENGL 490.601
Nancy Shawcross
T 4:30-7:10
Graduate Courses Open to Undergraduates by Permission of Instructor
Electronic Seminar
ENGL 505.401
Stuart Curran
MW 3-4:30
Passages from Chaucer to Shakespeare
ENGL 531.401
David Wallace
W 12-3
British Romanticism: 1801-1830
ENGL 552.301
Stuart Curran
T 12-3
Reading the Novel: History and Theory
ENGL 560.601
Elaine Freedgood
W 6:30-9:10
Countercultures: Pre-Raphaelitism, Aestheticism, Decadence
ENGL 563.401
David DeLaura
R 9-12
Interdisciplinary Black Expressive Cultural Study
ENGL 569.401
Michael Awkward
M 9-12
African American Literature
ENGL 570.401
Farah Jasmine Griffin
T 12-3
Mysticism, Madness and Literature
ENGL 571.401
Lynda Hart
T 3-6
Post-Colonialism: Literature and Theory
ENGL 595.401
James English
W 12-3
College Of General Studies
ENGL 025.601
Robert Barrett
Major British Poets 1660-Present
ENGL 040.601
Jill Cunningham-Crowther
T 4:30-7:10
Intro to American Literature
ENGL 080.601
Joseph Dimuro
TR 5-6:30
Women and Literature
ENGL 090.601
Antonio Viego, Jr.
TR 5-6:30
Sex, Politics and Deceit in Shakespeare Plays
ENGL 101.601
Gary R. Dyer
MW 6-7:30
The 20th Century
ENGL 104.601
John P. Heon
M 6:30-9:10
Poetry Writing Workshop
ENGL 113.601
Deborah Burnham
R 5-7:40
Advanced Fiction Writing
ENGL 115.601
Karen Rile
W 6:30-9:10
Topics in Romantic Poetry
ENGL 250.601
Richard Hendrix
TR 7:30-8:50
American Playwrights:Williams, Albee, Shepherd
ENGL 271.601
David Fox
MW 5-6:30
20th C. Performance Reclaims the Classics
ENGL 271.602
Jim Schlatter
TR 5-6:30
Topics in American Literature
ENGL 286.601
Gregory Wolmart
MW 5-6:15
General Honors English Courses
Shakespeare in Context
ENGL 335.301
Phyllis Rackin
TR 10:30-12
Shakespeare Playscripts
ENGL 337.301
Phyllis Rackin
R 1:30-4:30
19th Century Poetry
ENGL 353.301
David DeLaura
TR 1:30-3
Topics in 19th Century American Authors
ENGL 383.301
Nancy Bentley
TR 12-1:30
Independent Study
Shakespeare and Film
ENGL 299.311
Margreta de Grazia
Truth and Fiction in Literary True Crime
ENGL 299.312
David Espey
College Requirement Courses
Intro. To Literary Study
ENGL 100.401
Toni Bowers
TR 1:30-3
ENGL 101.001
Margreta de Grazia
MWF 10
Narrative Genres
ENGL 103.401
Roger Allen
TR 10:30-12
The Twentieth Century
ENGL 104.401
Bob Perelman
The Twentieth Century