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University of Pennsylvania
School of Arts and Sciences
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Penn Calendar
Department of English
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Department of English
intellectual life
> 2000 fall
Undergraduate Courses
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Course Grouping
Course Number
Topics in Literature
ENGL 016.301
Paul Korshin
W 2-5:00
Topics in Literature
ENGL 016.302
Daniel Traister
TR 3-4:30
Representations of the Holocaust in Literature and Film
ENGL 016.401
Al Filreis
Milicent Marcus
TR 10:30-12 Screenings M 4-7:00
Major British Writers 1350-1660
ENGL 020.301
Emily Steiner
TR 10:30-12
Major British Writers 1350-1660
ENGL 020.302
Jerry Denno
MWF 10
Major British Writers 1350-1660
ENGL 020.303
Sean Keilen
Major British Writers 1350-1660
ENGL 020.601
John Crowther
M 6-9:10
ENGL 025.001
Robert Barrett
Intro. Engl. Ren.
ENGL 030.001
Jerry Denno
TR 3-4:30
Major British Poets 1660-Present
ENGL 040.301
Jerry Denno
MWF 12
Major British Poets 1660-Present
ENGL 040.302
Jennifer Snead
18th Century Novel
ENGL 045.001
Jennifer Snead
MWF 11
Romantic Poets
ENGL 050.001
Suzanne Webster
19th Century British Novel
ENGL 055.001
Erin O’Connor
TR 9-10:30
Major British Novel 1660-1914
ENGL 060.001
Kendall A. Johnson
TR 9-10:30
Major British Novel 1660-1914
ENGL 060.601
Carolyn Anne Jacobson
TR 5-6:15
Twentieth Century British Novel
ENGL 065.401
Rita Barnard
TR 10:30-12
Introduction to Asian American Literature
ENGL 072.401
Chiang, Mark -
TR 3-4:30
Introduction to American Literature
ENGL 080.001
Max Cavitch
TR 3-4:30
African-American Literature
ENGL 081.401
Marsha Fausti
MWF 12
American Literature to 1870
ENGL 082.001
Lark Hall
TR 9-10:30
American Literature 1870-1900
ENGL 083.001
Joseph Dimuro
TR 1:30-3
The Visionary Mode in Modern American Literature
ENGL 084.001
Art Casciato
MW 3-4:30
Women & Literature
ENGL 090.401
Rita Barnard
TR 9-10:30
Introduction to Cinema
ENGL 091.401
John Katz
TR 3-4:30 Screenings T 6-8:30
The Politics of Resistance in Carribbean Literature
ENGL 093.401
Joseph Clarke
MWF 11
Fairy Tales
ENGL 094.601
Margaret Kruesi
T 5:30-8:10
Introduction to Literary Study
ENGL 100.401
Jacqueline N. Sadashige
MW 11-12:00
Introduction to Literary Study
ENGL 100.402
Burca Gursel
F 11-12
Introduction to Literary Study
ENGL 100.403
Burca Gursel
F 12-1
Introduction to Literary Study
ENGL 100.404
Gregory Flaxman
R 3-4
Introduction to Literary Study
ENGL 100.601
Michael Barsanti
T 6:30-9:10
ENGL 101.001
Peter Stallybrass
MW 3-4:30
ENGL 101.601
Jean Feerick
M 5:30-8:40
Madness & Literature in the 17th & 18th Centuries
ENGL 102.401
Paul Korshin
MWF 1-2
The Short Story
ENGL 103.401
Herman Beavers
TR 10:30-12
Literary Genres: Narrative Across Cultures
ENGL 103.601
J. Eburne
TR 6-7:30
The Twentieth Century
ENGL 104.401
Victor R. Tulli
TR 12-1:30
The Twentieth Century
ENGL 104.601
James Peterson
T 6:30-9:10
Fiction Writing Workshop
ENGL 112.301
Karen Rile
Poetry Writing Workshop
ENGL 113.301
Greg Djanikian
T 1:30-4:30
Advanced Fiction Writing
ENGL 115.301
Albert Dibartolomeo
R 1:30-4:30
Screenwriting Workshop
ENGL 116.301
Marc Lapadula
M 2-5
Writing the Essay
ENGL 125.302
Lark Hall
MWF 12
Creative Non-Fiction Writing
ENGL 135.301
Robert Strauss
M 2-5
Writing Advisors Section
ENGL 135.302
Deborah Burnham
MW 3-4:30
Creative Non-Fiction Writing
ENGL 135.303
Peshe Kuriloff
TR 3-4:30
Advanced Non-Fiction Writing
ENGL 145.301
Paul Hendrickson
T 1:30-4:30
Writing in the Documentary Tradition
ENGL 155.301
Paul Hendrickson
W 2-5
Independent Study
ENGL 199.303
Al Filreis
Literary Theory
ENGL 204.401
Jean-Michel Rabaté
TR 1:30-3
ENGL 210.401
Bob Perelman
T 1:30-4:30
ENGL 210.402
Rena Potok
TR 10:30-12
Renaissance Poetry
ENGL 231.301
Sean Keilen
MWF 11
19th Century British Literature
ENGL 254.301
Nina Auerbach
TR 12-1:30
19th Century British Literature
ENGL 254.601
Aselda Thompson
W 5:30-8:40
Advanced Topics in Narrative
ENGL 260.301
John Richetti
TR 1:30-3
Topics In Modern British Novel
ENGL 265.301
James English
TR 12-1:30
ENGL 271.401
Cary Mazer
TR 12-1:30
Feminism and Performance
ENGL 271.402
Kerry Moore
TR 1:30-3
American Musical Theatre
ENGL 271.635
David Fox
Like Ghosts with Open Eyes:Gender in African Fiction
ENGL 280.401
Joseph Clarke
Topics in Early American Literature: Fiction of the Frontier
ENGL 282.301
Eric Cheyfitz
TR 9-10:30
Topics in 19th Century Literature
ENGL 283.301
Kendall A. Johnson
W 2-5
Topics 19th Century American Literature
ENGL 283.601
Joseph Dimuro
TR 5-6:30
Native American Literature
ENGL 285.301
Eric Cheyfitz
TR 1:30-3
Reading Multiculturalism
ENGL 285.401
Chiang, Mark -
TR 12-1:30
Topics In American Literature
ENGL 286.301
Max Cavitch
TR 10:30-12
Topics in American Literature
ENGL 286.302
Victor R. Tulli
TR 9-10:30
Topics in American Literature
ENGL 286.303
Lark Hall
TR 3-4:30
Jewish Films and Literature
ENGL 287.401
Kathryn Hellerstein
TR 1:30-3
Contemporary Experimental Poetry
ENGL 288.301
Al Filreis
TR 1:30-3
Topics in Modern American Fiction
ENGL 289.301
Joseph Dimuro
TR 10:30-12
19th Century Black Women
ENGL 290.402
Marsha Fausti
MW 3-4:30
Topics In Women & Literature
ENGL 290.403
Vicki Mahaffey
TR 3-4:30
Apocalypse What?
ENGL 290.404
Kerry Moore
TR 12-1:30
Topics In Women & Literature
ENGL 290.601
[node:field_people_firstname] Blockett
M 5:30-8:10
Race versus Gender in the United States
ENGL 290.912
Nancy Shawcross
MW 5:30-8:10
Documentary Film
ENGL 292.401
John Katz
TR 12-1:30
Topics In Literature & Society
ENGL 293.301
Elsa Muller
TR 9-10:30
Topics in Literature and Society
ENGL 293.302
Kendall A. Johnson
TR 12-1:30
Topics In Literature and Society
ENGL 293.601
James Peterson
TR 5:30-6:45
Topics In Literature and Society: Latino Novel
ENGL 293.602
L. Soto
R 5:30-8:10
Topics In Classical Background
ENGL 296.401
Anne Hall
MWF 10
Intro to Shakespeare
ENGL 335.301
Phyllis Rackin
TR 1:30-3
Gothic Fiction and the National Tale
ENGL 345.301
Michael Gamer
TR 3-4:30
Topics In 19th Century American Authors
ENGL 383.301
Nancy Bentley
Feminist Fairy Tales
ENGL 390.401
Vicki Mahaffey
TR 3-4:30
The Epic Tradition
ENGL 396.401
Rita Copeland
TR 10:30-12
Teaching American Studies
ENGL 401.401
Peter Conn
MW 3-5
Reading & Writing the Short Story
ENGL 415.601
Peter Rock
W 6:30-9:30
American Gothic
ENGL 486.601
Nancy Shawcross
W 5:30-8:10
Earth Wind and Fire
ENGL 493.660
S. Stranahan
M 5:30-8:10
Authorship, Collaboration, and Literary Property
ENGL 550.301
Michael Gamer
R 9-12:00
Topics in 20th Century British Literature
ENGL 563.301
James English
T 3-6:00
ENGL 568.301
Vicki Mahaffey
R 9-12:00
Afro-American Autobiography
ENGL 570.401
Herman Beavers
W 3-6
Literary Theory
ENGL 571.401
Jean-Michel Rabaté
T 9-12
Modern & Contemporary American Poetry
ENGL 589.301
Al Filreis
W 12-3
From Oral to Written
ENGL 590.401
Roger David Abrahams
TR 10:30-12