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ENGL 0372.301
MW 12:00-1:29pm

Juvenilia, the work of authors and artists in childhood and adolescence, is an often overlooked genre. Sometimes a *derided* genre, as if youth precludes brilliance, or even value. But we know better. Just look at Jane Austen, Phillis Wheatley, the Brontes, Lewis Carroll, Margaret Atwood...Chance the Rapper, Taylor Swift, all of whom produced complex, remarkable works before the age of eighteen. In this course, we will study the youthful work of some of our most notable creators, exploring both the individuals themselves and the environment in which they live(d) and create(d). 

Assignments include two short essays, one longer final paper, weekly quick responses, and a presentation on your literary passion. Regular participation in class discussions is crucial. If all good little scholars are eager and industrious, there will be literary cookies. If not, there might be wolves…

English Major Requirements
  • Literature Seminar pre-1900 (AEB9)
  • Sector 1 Theory and Poetics (AETP)
  • Sector 4 Long 18th Century (AE18)
  • Sector 5 19th Century (AE19)
  • Sector 6 20th & 21st Centuries (AE20)
English Concentration Attributes
  • 20th-21st Century Concentration (AE21)
  • Literature, Journalism, & Print Culture Concentration (AELJ)
  • Poetry & Poetics Concentration (AEPP)
  • The Novel Concentration (AENV)
College Attributes
  • Sector III: Arts & Letters (AUAL)
Additional Attributes