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University of Pennsylvania
School of Arts and Sciences
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Department of English
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Department of English
intellectual life
> 1997 spring
undergraduate Courses
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Course Grouping
English Major Requirement
Course Number
Intermediate Level Courses
Shakespeare Tragedies
ENGL 037.001
Peter Stallybrass
TR 12-1:30
ENGL 038.001
Peter Stallybrass
TR 1:30-3
18th Century Novel
ENGL 045.001
John Richetti
TR 10:30-12
Major Romantic Poets
ENGL 050.001
Allen Grove
TR 1:30-3
Victorian Novel
ENGL 055.001
Erin O’Connor
MWF 11
20th Century British Lit.
ENGL 061.001
Jean-Michel Rabaté
TR 12-1:30
Irish Literature
ENGL 063.001
Kathryn Anne Conrad
TR 1:30-3
Modern Drama Since WWI
ENGL 077.401
Silke-Maria Weineck
MWF 11
American Poetry
ENGL 088.401
Jill Cunningham-Crowther
TR 10:30-12
Contemporary American Lit. by Women of Color
ENGL 090.401
Ines Salazar
Film Narrative
ENGL 091.001
Craig Saper
TR 1:30-3
ENGL 092.401
Jacqueline N. Sadashige
TR 12-1:30
Approaches to Narrative
ENGL 094.401
[node:field_people_firstname] Bendix
TR 3-4:30
Introduction to Cultural Studies
ENGL 095.401
Jean-Michel Rabaté
TR 9-10:30
Advanced Seminars
Topics in Med. Literature
ENGL 220.301
David Boyd
TR 10:30-12
Topics in Shakespeare
ENGL 235.301
Sarah Werner
TR 12-1:30
Topics in the 18th Cent. Novel
ENGL 245.301
Allen Grove
TR 3-4:30
Desire and Empire
ENGL 255.301
Kathryn Anne Conrad
W 2-5
Virginia Woolf
ENGL 261.301
Alice van Buren Kelley
TR 9-10:30
Women and Flowers in 20th Century Irish Lit.
ENGL 265.301
Vicki Mahaffey
TR 3-4:30
Cultural Crossings
ENGL 282.301
Christopher Looby
MWF 10
Whitman and Dickinson
ENGL 283.401
Albertine, Susan -
TR 12-1:30
American Modernism
ENGL 284.401
Bob Perelman
MWF 12
Narratives of the Harlen Renaissance
ENGL 284.402
Michael Awkward
Diaspora and Migration in Contemporary Chicana and African-American Lit.
ENGL 285.401
Ines Salazar
MW 3-4:30
History, Community, and Genre in Asian American Lit.
ENGL 285.402
Chiang, Mark -
MWF 11
Invalid Women
ENGL 290.401
Erin O’Connor
Race in Contemporary American Culture: Film Lit.
ENGL 291.301
Chiang, Mark -
History of the Book, 19th Century
ENGL 298.401
Daniel Traister
TR 3-4:30
English Honors Program
Junior Honors Seminar:James Joyce
ENGL 309.301
Vicki Mahaffey
TR 12-1:30
The Honors Essay
ENGL 311.301
David Boyd
Creative Writing Seminars
Words in Print
ENGL 098.301
Paul Korshin
M 2-5
Workshop for Fiction Writers
ENGL 112.301
Karen Rile
F 2-5
Poetry Writing Workshop
ENGL 113.301
Ariel Djanikian
M 2-5
Workshop for Advanced Fiction Writers
ENGL 115.301
Lorene Cary
T 2-5
ENGL 116.301
Marc Lapadula
R 2-5
Advanced Poetry Writing
ENGL 118.301
Bob Perelman
W 2-5
Creative Non-Fiction Writing
ENGL 135.301
David Espey
TR 10:30-12
Creative Non-Fiction Writing
ENGL 135.302
Greg Djanikian
W 2-5
Advanced Non-Fiction Writing
ENGL 145.301
Cathy Crimmins
R 2-5
Master of Liberal Arts
Freud and After(from Freud to Lacan)
ENGL 571.601
Jean-Michel Rabaté
W 4:30-7:10
Popular Fictions
ENGL 586.601
Daniel Traister
Michael Ryan
R 4:30-7:10
Graduate Courses Open to Undergraduates by Permission of Instructor
ENGL 507.301
Nida Surber
T 9-12
Renaissance Epic
ENGL 537.401
Maureen Quilligan
W 9-12
English Romanticism
ENGL 552.301
Stuart Curran
T 9-12
Literature of Jazz
ENGL 569.401
Herman Beavers
T 12-3
Living in the Now:
ENGL 570.401
Michael Awkward
W 9-12
Marx to Bourdieu
ENGL 571.401
James English
R 12-3
Edith Wharton and Willa Cather
ENGL 584.601
Lark Hall
W 6:30-9:10
College Of General Studies
American Literture
ENGL 083.601
Lark Hall
M 6:30-9:10
Introduction to Literary Study
ENGL 100.601
Nicholas Miller
TR 5-6:15
The Twentieth Century: Why Keep Writing?
ENGL 104.601
Victor R. Tulli
T 6:30-9:10
Advanced Fiction Writing Workshop
ENGL 115.601
Diana Cavallo
M 6-8:40
Writing the Essay
ENGL 125.601
Karen Rile
W 4:30-7:10
Major British Writers 1350-1660
ENGL 201.601
Rayna Margrit Kalas
R 4:30-7:10
The History of Crime Fiction
ENGL 255.601
Jonathan Grossman
M 4:30-7:10
American Musical Theatre
ENGL 271.601
David Fox
TR 5-6:15
Orwell and Hemingway
ENGL 275.601
David Espey
W 4:30-7:10
Autobiography and Fiction
ENGL 276.601
Irma Spritz Lustig
T 4:30-7:10
Ireland in the Cinema
ENGL 292.601
Nicholas Miller
W 6:30-9:10
General Honors English Courses
New Approaches in Renaissance Studies
ENGL 330.301
Rebecca Bushnell
TR 10:30-12
Intro to Shakespeare
ENGL 335.301
Phyllis Rackin
TR 12-1:30
Independent Study
The House that Words Built (and Destroyed)
ENGL 199.301
Greg Djanikian
Writing about the University
ENGL 199.305
Al Filreis
The House that Words Built (and Destroyed)
ENGL 199.320
Al Filreis
Independent Study
ENGL 199.330
Albert Dibartolomeo
College Requirement Courses
Intro to Literary Study
ENGL 100.001
Toni Bowers
TR 9-10:30
ENGL 101.001
Margreta de Grazia
MWF 10
The Twentieth Century
ENGL 104.001
Kathryn Anne Conrad
TR 10:30-12
Core Courses
Intro. to American Literature
ENGL 200.001
Christopher Looby
Major British Writers
ENGL 201.301
David Boyd
TR 9-10:30
Major British Writers
ENGL 201.302
Rebecca Bushnell
TR 1:30-3
Major British Writers
ENGL 201.304
Sarah Werner
MW 3-4:30
Major British Writers
ENGL 201.305
Maureen Quilligan
TR 12-1:30
Major British Writers
ENGL 201.306
Nida Surber
TR 3-4:30
Major British Poets
ENGL 202.301
Allen Grove
TR 9-10:30
Major British Poets
ENGL 202.302
Stuart Curran
TR 1:30-3
Major British Poets
ENGL 202.303
Paul Korshin
Major British Poets
ENGL 202.304
Paul Korshin
MWF 10
Major British Novels 1660-Present
ENGL 203.001
John Richetti
TR 1:30-3