WH Wharton Core Cross-Cultural Perspective: US
ENGL0160.401 - Introduction to Sexuality and Queer Theory - Eva Pensis MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1200.401 - Introduction to African American Literature - Dagmawi Woubshet TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1300.401 - Queer Politics, Queer Communities - S. Pearl Brilmyer, Heather K. Love MWF 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL3502.301 - Writing and Borders - Ahmad Almallah Wednesday 1:45-4:44pm
ENGL0159.401 - Gender and Society - Beans Velocci TRF 12:00-12:59pm
ENGL0160.401 - Introduction to Sexuality Studies and Queer Theory - Lauren Bakst MW 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL1260.401 - Intro to Latinx Cultural Studies - Jennifer Ponce de León MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1270.401 - Introduction to Asian American Literature and Culture - Bakirathi Mani MWF 10:15-11:14am
ENGL1830.001 - Modern and Contemporary U.S. Poetry - Al Filreis TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL2222.401 - August Wilson & Beyond (BFS and ABCS) - Herman Beavers, Suzana Berger MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL3025.401 - Introduction to Creative Writing: Writing Asian American Lives - Piyali Bhattacharya TR 1:45-3:15pm
ENGL3350.301 - Long-Form Reported Nonfiction - Buzz Bissinger R 5:15-8:15pm & F 1:45-4:45pm
ENGL3501.401 - Writing and Witnessing - Syd Zolf Wednesday 3:30-6:30pm
ENGL3652.401 - Is This Really Happening? Performance and Contemporary Political Horizons - Brooke O'Harra, Sharon A. Hayes W 5:15-8:15pm
ENGL0159.920 - Gender and Society - Department Staff TR 5:15-9:05pm
ENGL0159.401 - Gender and Society - Rosed Serrano MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL0160.401 - Introduction to Sexuality Studies and Queer Theory - Eva Pensis MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1200.401 - Introduction to African American Literature - Dagmawi Woubshet MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL3650.401 - Self-Scripting: Writing through Body and Space - Brooke O'Harra MW 1:45-3:15
ENGL0051.401 - Community Writing: Post-COVID University - Zita Cristina Nunes Monday 10:15-1:14pm
ENGL0159.401 - Gender and Society - Department Staff TR 12pm-12:59pm
ENGL0160.401 - Introduction to Sexuality Studies and Queer Theory - Department Staff MW 10:15am-11:44am
ENGL1120.401 - Literature of the Americas to 1900 - David Kazanjian TR 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL1260.401 - Latinx Literature and Culture - Jennifer Ponce de León MW 3:30-4:59pm
ENGL1270.401 - Introduction to Asian American Literature - Josephine Park MWF 10:15-11:14am
ENGL1745.401 - Writing the Self: Life-Writing, Fiction, Representation - Department Staff R 10:15-1:14pm
ENGL2222.401 - August Wilson and Beyond - Suzana Berger MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL0159.920 - Gender and Society - Elizabeth Rose TR 12-3:59