The Penn Program in Environmental Humanities is now accepting applications for up to five one-year research fellowships to Penn graduate students who have completed their qualifying exams. The Fellows Program supports individual projects (either the dissertation or research in preparation for it) with a stipend between $2,000-4,000 and convenes a year-long Collaborative Public Research Colloquium for PPEH’s Graduate and Undergraduate Fellows. In AY 2021-22, Fellows will participate in a collaboratively organized series of seminars and lectures organized by the cluster for graduate training in the environmental humanities at the University of Toronto, Oxford University, and Penn. This colloquium is designed to facilitate alternative academic career exposure and training in public research methods with invited experts. It further provides Graduate Fellows opportunities to develop research mentorship experience; and to develop and execute cross-disciplinary, public engagement projects, including public writing on the well-trafficked PPEH Fellows blog. In the spring semester, participants in the Research Colloquium receive one course credit by enrolling in Public Environmental Humanities taught in 2022 by PPEH Faculty Director Bethany Wiggin.
To apply, please submit the following to director@ppehlab.org:
- 1000-word research statement, including a project abstract, a brief statement about how the project interacts with the environmental humanities, and how it might encourage collaboration across the disciplines
- 250-word statement addressing the candidate's vision for public, collaborative humanities projects
- A C.V
- One confidential letter of recommendation, emailed to director@ppehlab.org by the dissertation advisor or graduate chair
The Penn Program in Environmental Humanities (PPEH) at the University of Pennsylvania invites applications from advanced doctoral students in the School of Arts & Sciences for a one-year PPEH Environmental Humanities Dissertation Completion Fellowship. We seek applicants whose research, teaching, and public engagements support and complement PPEH’s core commitments:
- broadly interdisciplinary, collaborative research on the environment across the arts and sciences
- arts-driven inquiry into place, particularly our campus and the City of Philadelphia as well as urban ecology in other global contexts
- public engagement, particularly in and with environmental justice communities and concerns
- the creation and growth of living archives via practices of urgent collection
Applicants must be enrolled at the University of Pennsylvania and plan to defend their dissertation during the 2021–2022 academic year to be eligible.
Beginning in Summer 2021, the selected Dissertation Completion Fellow will receive 12 months of support covering tuition, fees, and summer research funds. The fellowship’s summer funds will enable the student to plan and carry out public engagements throughout the course of the year. The Dissertation Completion Fellow will be expected both to pursue their own research agenda as well as actively to participate in PPEH’s ongoing projects and initiatives, in Philadelphia and beyond.
Application Materials:
- 1500-word Research Statement in which the candidate describes how their dissertation project intersects with the environmental humanities and addresses how their work fosters collaboration across disciplines
- CV
- 500-word Public Engagement Statement about how their project will build wider public engagements in and through the environmental humanities
- Letter of recommendation from the Ph.D. advisor or graduate chair, which also confirms a dissertation completion timeline
Submission Instructions:
- Application materials must be collated into a single PDF and emailed by May 15, 2021 to director@ppehlab.org.
- Letter of recommendation can be sent directly from faculty advisor/chair under separate cover.
The Penn research team of the Andrew W. Mellon Just Futures Initiative will award 2 graduate fellowships for the 2021-2022 academic year to graduate students in the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) with approved prospectuses for dissertation topics in any discipline relevant to the study of “Dispossessions of the Americas: The Extraction of Bodies, Land, and Heritage from La Conquista to the Present.” We are particularly interested in graduate applicants whose research relates to the theme of dispossessions via mechanisms of deceit, disease, or violence.
The Mellon Just Futures Initiative Graduate Fellowship, in conjunction with the SAS Graduate Division, will provide the graduate student’s 10-month stipend, tuition, fees and health insurance during the 2021-2022 academic year. Recipients are expected to split their time between their own research and their research contributions to the Mellon collaborative research project. Among other activities, graduate fellows will supervise and coordinate undergraduate research assistants, will participate in weekly research team meetings, and will help organize and participate in international conferences.
For more details, and to apply, see the following.
The Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies (SIMS) is accepting applications for its 2020-2021 Graduate Student Research Fellowship. The fellowship has been established to encourage emerging scholars to engage with the rich physical and digital manuscript resources at the University of Pennsylvania Libraries, including the Lawrence J. Schoenberg Collection and the Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts. Working closely with a SIMS staff member, the fellow will have the opportunity to develop a project and gain experience working in a collaborative, digital humanities environment. The fellow will be expected to present his or her research in some form at Penn Libraries either during the term of the fellowship or on a selected date following the completion of the term.
The fellow may undertake research on any aspect of the collections of premodern manuscripts in the Penn Libraries. Research proposals are invited from any area of manuscript studies, including but not limited to the study of the material text, scripts, decoration and illustration, paleography, codicology, binding, provenance, and the history of libraries and collecting. Proposals should demonstrate that the Libraries’ premodern manuscript resources are integral to proposed research topics. Proposals with a digital component are encouraged though not required.
The fellowship is available to all graduate students at universities in the greater Philadelphia area during the 2020-2021 academic term. International students at these institutions are welcome to apply but must be work eligible according to their visa terms and have approval from their host institution.
All application materials must be received by May 1, 2020, to be considered. For more information regarding the award and to apply, go to https://schoenberginstitute.org/graduate-student-research-fellowship-2/ .
The MCEAS Dissertation Fellowship Program
Since 1978, some 300 advanced graduate students from universities across North America and Europe have received dissertation fellowships from the McNeil Center. At least eight new fellows will be appointed for the 2020-2021 academic year, most for nine-month terms. Nine-month fellows will receive a stipend of $25,000, office space in the Center's home on the University of Pennsylvania's campus and library, computer, and other privileges at the University. Limited travel funds for research will also available. All fellows are expected to be in residence in Philadelphia during the terms of their appointments in order to participate fully in the Center's programs.
Doctoral candidates from any PhD-granting institution who are in the research or writing stage of the dissertation are eligible. As outlined below, some fellowships are targeted at specific areas, but any project dealing with the histories and cultures of North America in the Atlantic world before 1850 will be considered. Proposals dependent on the use of Philadelphia-area archives and libraries are particularly welcome. Applications are encouraged from students of all relevant disciplines, including Africana Studies, American Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, Comparative Literature, Economics, English, Folklore, Gender Studies, History, Latinx Studies, Law, Music, Native American and Indigenous Studies, Political Science, Queer Studies, Religious Studies, Urban Studies, and Women’s Studies.
Nine-Month or One-Semester Fellowships
Awards may be made in the following categories, depending on the qualifications of the applicants and the availability of funding:
--MCEAS Barra Dissertation Fellowships and Advisory Council Fellowships are open to candidates from any discipline working on topic within the McNeil Center's area of interest.
--The Richard S. Dunn Fellowship, acknowledges excellence in any aspect of Early American Studies.
--Barra Foundation Fellowship
The Barra Foundation Fellowship supports research related to art or material culture.
--Friends of the MCEAS Fellowships
Friends of the MCEAS Fellowships support research on any relevant topic, with a preference for projects dealing with Philadelphia or the Mid-Atlantic region.
--MCEAS Consortium Fellowships are reserved for candidates from research universities that are members of the McNeil Center Consortium. Projects on any topic within the Center's areas of interest are eligible. (For more information about the Consortium, please visit www.mceas.org.)
--The E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Fellowship in Early American Religious Studies is open to candidates in any discipline researching any aspect of religion in North America and the Atlantic world before 1850.
--Marguerite Bartlett Hamer Fellowships are awarded to advanced doctoral candidates from any relevant program at the University of Pennsylvania who meet the same rigorous standards as external candidates.
Other Fellowships
--The Society of the Cincinnati Fellowship, supports research on the era of the American Revolution.
--The Monticello-McNeil Fellowship, co-sponsored by the McNeil Center and the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello, facilitates scholarship on Thomas Jefferson and his times. Holders of this fellowship spend a portion of their fellowship term at the ICJS in Charlottesville, Virginia.
How to Apply
A single online application suffices for all fellowships. Categories and duration of awards are determined by the selection committee. Applications need to be uploaded at: https://apply.interfolio.com/71856 Categories and duration of awards are determined by the selection committee, but candidates interested in the Monticello-McNeil fellowship should state their interest clearly in their research proposals. The following items must be prepared for uploading as pdf files:
--A curriculum vitae;
--A proposal not to exceed 1,500 words, double-spaced, describing the general scope of the project and the specific work proposed for the fellowship term
--an unpublished writing sample related to the project, double-spaced, limited to 7,500 words exclusive of notes.
--two letters of recommendation should be uploaded through Interfolio or submitted by email to mceas@ccat.sas.upenn.edu Please ask recommenders to address the specifics of this application. Do not send generic letters from placement dossiers.
Questions can be directed to:
The McNeil Center for Early American Studies
University of Pennsylvania
3355 Woodland Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-4531
The deadline for online applications is 3 February 2020.
The American Philosophical Society Library & Museum in Philadelphia invites applications for long and short-term fellowships for scholars engaged in all fields, and especially those working on projects pertaining to the history of science, technology, and medicine; early American history; the digital humanities; and Native American and Indigenous studies.
The APS Library & Museum’s collections make it among the premier institutions for documenting and exhibiting the history of the American Revolution and founding, the history of science from Newton to NASA, Native American languages and culture, and the development of American anthropology. The Library & Museum houses over 13 million manuscripts; 350,000 volumes of printed materials and bound periodicals; 250,000 images, fine art, and other objects; thousands of maps and prints; and more than 3,500 hours of audio recordings of Native American languages.
Comprehensive, searchable guides and finding aids to our collections are available online at www.amphilsoc.org/library and http://amphilsoc.pastperfectonline.com/.
Applications are now open for the following positions:
· Long-term fellowship opportunities (deadline: Friday, January 31, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. EST).
· Short-term fellowship opportunities (deadline: Friday, March 6, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. EST).
Applicants whose research subjects overlap any other APS Library & Museum fellowship programs may also submit applications to other pertinent programs, though only one fellowship can be awarded to an individual. The strongest applications will demonstrate a clear need to consult materials housed in the APS Library & Museum and will list which collections will be used during the fellowship term.
See individual fellowship descriptions below for more information and instructions on how to apply. For a complete listing of all APS grant and fellowship opportunities, visit www.amphilsoc.org/grants/fellowships.
Long-Term Fellowships
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Native American Scholars Initiative (NASI) Predoctoral Fellowship
This 12-month fellowship is intended for advanced Ph.D. students working toward the completion of the dissertation.
· Applicants will receive a stipend of $25,000, plus travel and research funds, to support twelve months of work in Native American and Indigenous Studies or allied fields.
· Applications are open to scholars working on projects in Native American and Indigenous Studies and related fields and in all periods of time. Preference will be given to those who have experience working with Native communities.
· The successful applicant will be based at the Library & Museum’s Center for Native American and Indigenous Research (CNAIR) (https://amphilsoc.org/cnair), which aims to promote greater collaboration between scholars, archives, and indigenous communities.
To apply, please submit materials to https://apply.interfolio.com/69434.
Friends of the American Philosophical Society Predoctoral Fellowship in Early American History (to 1840)
This 12-month fellowship is intended for advanced Ph.D. students working toward the completion of the dissertation.
· Applicants will receive a stipend of $25,000 to support twelve months of work on topics pertaining to early American history (to 1840).
· The successful applicant will receive an appointment as a Research Associate at the McNeil Center for Early American Studies, which will provide library and computer privileges at the University of Pennsylvania to those who agree to participate regularly in the McNeil Center’s seminars and other programming (www.mceas.org).
To apply, please submit materials to https://apply.interfolio.com/69501.
John C. Slater Predoctoral Fellowship in the History of Science
This 12-month fellowship is intended for advanced Ph.D. students working toward the completion of the dissertation.
· Applicants will receive a stipend of $25,000 to support twelve months of work on topics pertaining to the history of science, broadly defined.
· Applicants’ research must pertain to topics in the history of science or related fields.
· The successful applicant will be affiliated with the Consortium for History of Science, Technology, and Medicine (www.chstm.org).
To apply, please submit materials to https://apply.interfolio.com/69497.
Short-Term Fellowships
Applications for the following short-term fellowship opportunities may be submitted no later than Friday, March 6, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
Library & Museum Resident Short-Term Research Fellowship
The APS’s short-term fellowships provide 1- to 3- months of support for researchers in residence who are using Library & Museum collections. Fellowships are open to researchers working in all fields who show a demonstrated need to use the Library & Museum’s collections for their project.
A stipend of $3,000 per month is awarded to all successful applicants for a minimum of one month and a maximum of three months. Approximately 25-30 short-term fellowships are awarded each year.
Applicants may be:
· Holders of the Ph.D. or its equivalent.
· Ph.D. candidates who have passed their preliminary examinations and are working on their dissertation research.
· Degreed independent scholars (without current academic affiliation).
· U.S. citizens or foreign nationals. Candidates who live 75 or more miles from Philadelphia receive some preference.
To apply, please submit materials to https://apply.interfolio.com/69510.
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Native American Scholars Initiative (NASI) Digital Knowledge Sharing Fellowship
These fellowships complement the collaborative work undertaken by the Library & Museum’s Center for Native American and Indigenous Research (CNAIR) to support university- and community-based scholars working on digital projects that connect archives and Indigenous communities.
· DKS fellowships are open to scholars at all stages of their careers, especially Native American scholars in training, tribal college and university faculty members, and other scholars working closely with Native communities.
· Successful applicants will receive a stipend of $3,000 plus the costs associated with visiting the APS in Philadelphia to attend a summer workshop with other DKS fellows.
· Applicants may use materials hosted at the APS Library & Museum as well as those held at other archives and libraries.
These funding opportunities are supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Native American Scholars Initiative (NASI). Selected fellows will be associated with the APS Library & Museum’s Center for Native American and Indigenous Research (CNAIR) (www.amphilsoc.org/CNAIR).
To apply, please submit materials to https://apply.interfolio.com/69465.
Digital Humanities Fellowship
These fellowships, for up to 2 months, are open to scholars at all stages of their careers, including graduate students, who are developing digital projects that: 1) utilize the APS Library & Museum collections, open datasets, or other APS holdings to advance a digital component of an independent research project, or, 2) seek to apply existing tools and expertise to digital projects developed in collaboration with the Library & Museum’s Center for Digital Scholarship.
Successful applicants will receive a stipend of $3,000 for a minimum of one month and a maximum of two months.
Recent examples of collaborative projects have focused on the Center’s Open Data Initiative and have explored datasets created from Benjamin Franklin’s postal records, indenture records for servants and redemptioners coming through the port of Philadelphia during the 1770s, and a network visualization of correspondence networks of women scientists found in the APS’s collections.
To apply, please submit materials to https://apply.interfolio.com/69515.
Applicants: Please use Interfolio's help desk for any issues pertaining to the online application process.
Contact regarding the Fellowship program and the American Philosophical Society Library & Museum may be directed to Adrianna Link, Ph.D., Head of Scholarly Programs, at alink@amphilsoc.org or by phone at 215-440-3415.
The American Antiquarian Society offers both short-term and long-term research fellowships, tenable for periods of one to twelve months during the period June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021.
Short-term research fellowships are tenable for periods of one to two months' residence at the Society, with a monthly stipend of $1850. The application deadline for these fellowships is January 15, 2020.
Long-term fellowships, supported by funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities, support periods of four to twelve months' residence at the Society. The application deadline for these fellowships is January 15, 2020.
The American Antiquarian Society (AAS) is the leading archive in the United States for research in pre-twentieth-century U.S. history, literature, and culture. In addition to unsurpassed resources focused on the history and culture of the United States, AAS holds rich collections of materials dealing with Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean. AAS collections focus on all aspects of American life from contact to 1900, and provide rich source material for projects across the spectrum of early American studies. We invite you to discover these resources as a visiting academic research fellow.
Further information about the fellowships, along with application materials, is available on the AAS website, http://www.americanantiquarian.org/fellowships.htm
Questions should be directed to cmrell@mwa.org
The deadline for applications for long-term fellowships at the American Antiquarian Society for the 2016-17 academic year is January 15, 2016. These fellowships are supported by an award from the National Endowment for the Humanities, through its Fellowship Program at Independent Research Institutions. Located in Worcester, MA, the American Antiquarian Society is an independent research library whose collections focus on materials printed in what is now the United States from European contact through 1876. Further information about the Society and its holdings are available here: http://www.americanantiquarian.org/collections.
These fellowships support scholars to be in continuous residence at the AAS for periods of four to twelve months, and can be used to support work on projects at any stage of completion, from earliest research to final writing. The fellowships offer a period of collegial interaction with other members of the Society’s community of research fellows and library staff, as well as an opportunity to conduct research in the AAS’s peerless collections of early American manuscripts, books, newspapers, and graphic arts materials.
The stipend for the AAS-NEH fellowships is $4200/month. For the 2016-17 academic year, the Antiquarian Society will be able to award 28 months of support. Additional information, along with a link to the online application form, is available at http://www.americanantiquarian.org/nehfellowship.htm.
ASECS/Clark Fellowships
Fellowships jointly sponsored by the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies and the Center/Clark are available to postdoctoral scholars and to ABD graduate students with projects in the Restoration or the eighteenth century. Fellowship holders must be members in good standing of ASECS. Awards are for one month of residency.
Stipend: $2,500 for the month of residency.
Application deadline: 1 February 2016
Clark-Huntington Joint Bibliographical Fellowship
Sponsored jointly by the Center/Clark and the Huntington Library, this two-month fellowship (one month at each library) provides support for bibliographical research in early modern British literature and history as well as other areas where the two libraries have common strengths; eligible projects include textual scholarship, analytical/descriptive bibliography, history of printing and/or publishers, and related fields. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree or have appropriate research experience.
Stipend: $5,500 for two months in residence.
Application deadline: 1 February 2016
Clark Short-Term Fellowships
Fellowship support is available to scholars with research projects that require work in any area of the Clark Library’s collections. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree or have equivalent academic experience. Awards are for periods of one to three months in residence.
Stipend: $2,500 per month.
Application deadline: 1 February 2016
Kanner Fellowship in British Studies
This three-month fellowship, established through the generosity of Penny Kanner, supports research at the Clark Library in any area pertaining to British history and culture. The fellowship is open to both postdoctoral and predoctoral scholars.
Stipend: $7,500 for the three-month tenure.
Application deadline: 1 February 2016
Ahmanson-Getty Postdoctoral Fellowships
This theme-based resident fellowship program, established with the support of The Ahmanson Foundation of Los Angeles and the J. Paul Getty Trust, is designed to encourage the participation of junior scholars in the Center's yearlong core programs.
Scholars will need to have received their doctorates in the last six years, (no earlier than July 1, 2010, and no later than September 30, 2016). Scholars whose research pertains to the announced theme are eligible to apply. Fellows are expected to make a substantive contribution to the Center’s workshops and seminars. Awards are for three consecutive quarters in residence at the Clark.
Stipend: $42,840 for the three-quarter period including paid medical benefits for scholar and dependents.
Application deadline: 1 February 2016
All applicants should be aware that the Clark Library is currently undergoing a seismic refit and will be closed through July 2016, pending the completion of the construction project. Please plan your intended residency dates with this in mind when making a fellowship application.
sponsored by
UCLA Center for 17th-& 18th-Century Studies
and the
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
Postdoctoral fellowship information can be found here:
Post-doctoral application forms can be accessed directly via this link:
The John Carter Brown Library Fellowship Program offers graduate students and scholars of the early Americas from the U.S. and abroad an opportunity to pursue their work in proximity to a distinguished collection of primary sources. Approximately forty fellowships are awarded annually for periods of two to ten months. Fellowships are available to advanced graduate students, scholars, and independent researchers, the main criteria for awards being the merit and significance of the proposal, the qualifications of the candidate, and the relevance of the Library's holdings to the proposed research project.
For more information, visit this link.