Mellon Just Futures Initiative
The Penn research team of the Andrew W. Mellon Just Futures Initiative will award 2 graduate fellowships for the 2021-2022 academic year to graduate students in the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) with approved prospectuses for dissertation topics in any discipline relevant to the study of “Dispossessions of the Americas: The Extraction of Bodies, Land, and Heritage from La Conquista to the Present.” We are particularly interested in graduate applicants whose research relates to the theme of dispossessions via mechanisms of deceit, disease, or violence.
The Mellon Just Futures Initiative Graduate Fellowship, in conjunction with the SAS Graduate Division, will provide the graduate student’s 10-month stipend, tuition, fees and health insurance during the 2021-2022 academic year. Recipients are expected to split their time between their own research and their research contributions to the Mellon collaborative research project. Among other activities, graduate fellows will supervise and coordinate undergraduate research assistants, will participate in weekly research team meetings, and will help organize and participate in international conferences.
For more details, and to apply, see the following.