Lecturer Fund for Research, Travel, and Teaching Development
Lecturers in the English Department may apply for up to $1,000 to reimburse research, travel, and/or teaching development expenses. Such expenses may include:
research travel for archival work
research assistance (with a preference for the employment of undergraduate research assistants)
obtaining books, documents, or primary materials related to research or teaching
publication subvention (for formally accepted publications only; please include a copy of this acceptance with the application)
conference travel, accommodations, meals, and registration
teaching workshops and course-development expenses
specialized computer equipment or software that cannot be obtained through customary School allocations
Eligibility. This fund is designed primarily for Lecturers A and B who have an ongoing relationship with Penn English (having taught at least 3 undergraduate courses in the department during the last 3 years) and who are teaching in the department during the academic year in which the award will be made. Professors of Practice are ineligible for the fund, as are Senior Lecturers with their own research accounts. Senior Lecturers without their own research accounts may apply to this fund for amounts of up to $500. For amounts between $500 and $5,000, they should apply for an SAS Research Opportunity Grant.
Current Penn graduate students who are teaching as Lecturers B are not eligible for this fund and should apply to the appropriate Dean’s and SASGOV Grants and/or to the Stuart Curran Fund for Graduate Travel.
Process. Applicants should fill out the attached form and send it as an email attachment to the Department Chair and Business Coordinator before the expense is incurred. The Executive Committee will consider applications on a rolling basis. All eligible applicants are guaranteed one award per academic year. A second application in that year may be submitted and will be awarded if funds permit, giving Lecturers A and B priority.
After the application has been approved, awardees should submit itemized receipts via the Concur system.