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Graduate Student Travel for Library Research

Request Form for Graduate Student Travel for Library Research

Travel Fund Policy

The department budget includes funding for students to travel to do research at libraries.  The fund provides for up to $250 per request for 10 students, or more, as funds allow.

  1. Each student may apply for funding only once each year.
  2. No student will receive more than $250.
  3. The request form must be completed and turned in to Elizabeth Lunger before the trip.
  4. After the trip, students must submit all itemized receipts via the Concur system.

Name _____________________________________________________________

Date _____________________ Phone Number ____________________________

Email Address _______________________________________________________

Purpose of Trip(s) ____________________________________________________



Destination(s) _______________________________________________________


Dates of Trips (month & day) __________________________________________


_______________________________ Date ________________________
Faculty Advisor

_______________________________ Date _______________________
Graduate Chair