Undergraduate Independent Study 299 Course Proposal Form

University of Pennsylvania
School of Arts and Sciences
Department of English
127 Fisher-Bennett Hall/6273

Independent study course title, description, term and faculty approval that is provided on this form will be entered into SRS (Student Registration System) for the current term file before the end of ADD period per semester. In conjuction with the Independent Study Proposal for either:

English 299 – Study in Literature and Language



Student’s name



Student email and/or phone number



Penn ID Number  



Subject, course number and term



Faculty supervisor’s name  (please print)



Faculty supervisor’s Signature


To ensure registration of your Independent Study Proposal please submit this form, include course description, bibliography and how often student and faculty supervisor will meet over the semester. This form and requirements listed above should be submitted to Loretta M. Williams (loretta@english.upenn.edu) in the English Department, Rm 127 Fisher-Bennett Hall before the end of ADD period.