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Dalglish Chew Fund



The Dalglish Chew Graduate Research Fund is inactive as of 2017/09/27




Travel Fund Policy

Students may apply to the Dalglish Chew Fund to pay for any form of graduate research, including research trips, conference participation, and collaborative research initiatives. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. Awards will not exceed $500 for individual projects, or $750 for collaborative projects.

Please note: students should submit a budget along with the present form.

Allocations from this fund may be used to supplement most other support (e.g. Departmental, SAS, and GAPSA funds).

Please provide the necessary information below, including the signatures of your advisor and the Graduate Chair. Completed form should be submitted BEFORE YOUR TRIP to Elizabeth Anderson, 117 Fisher-Bennett Hall.




Date _____________________ Phone Number__________________________


Email Address____________________________________________________


Purpose of Trip (including title of paper to be presented)








Destination _______________________________________________________


Inclusive Dates of Trip (month & day) ______________________________


Is this trip being supported by SAS travel subvention? Yes___ No ___



______________________________________  Date _______________________

Faculty Advisor              


_______________________________________ Date _______________________

Graduate Chair