The deadline for applications for long-term fellowships at the American Antiquarian Society for the 2016-17 academic year is January 15, 2016. These fellowships are supported by an award from the National Endowment for the Humanities, through its Fellowship Program at Independent Research Institutions. Located in Worcester, MA, the American Antiquarian Society is an independent research library whose collections focus on materials printed in what is now the United States from European contact through 1876. Further information about the Society and its holdings are available here: http://www.americanantiquarian.org/collections.
These fellowships support scholars to be in continuous residence at the AAS for periods of four to twelve months, and can be used to support work on projects at any stage of completion, from earliest research to final writing. The fellowships offer a period of collegial interaction with other members of the Society’s community of research fellows and library staff, as well as an opportunity to conduct research in the AAS’s peerless collections of early American manuscripts, books, newspapers, and graphic arts materials.
The stipend for the AAS-NEH fellowships is $4200/month. For the 2016-17 academic year, the Antiquarian Society will be able to award 28 months of support. Additional information, along with a link to the online application form, is available at http://www.americanantiquarian.org/nehfellowship.htm.
The John Carter Brown Library Fellowship Program offers graduate students and scholars of the early Americas from the U.S. and abroad an opportunity to pursue their work in proximity to a distinguished collection of primary sources. Approximately forty fellowships are awarded annually for periods of two to ten months. Fellowships are available to advanced graduate students, scholars, and independent researchers, the main criteria for awards being the merit and significance of the proposal, the qualifications of the candidate, and the relevance of the Library's holdings to the proposed research project.
For more information, visit this link.