GMST Literature or Written Culture
ENGL0010.001 - Introduction to Shakespeare - Zachary Lesser MW 10:15-11:44am
ENGL0300.301 - Medieval Worlds (First Year Seminar) - Emily Steiner TR 10:15-11:44am
ENGL0509.401 - Dante's Divine Comedy - Department Staff MW 12pm-1:29pm
ENGL0510.401 - National Epics - David Wallace MW 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL0761.401 - Medium Matters: How to Make Books, Cuneiform to Kindle - Department Staff MW 1:45pm-3:14pm
ENGL1009.401 - Classical Traditions - Department Staff TR 12pm-1:29pm
ENGL1014.401 - King Arthur: Medieval to Modern - Emily Steiner MW 10:15-11:44am
ENGL1015.401 - Sagas and Skalds: Old Norse in Translation - Caroline Batten MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL1860.001 - Witchcraft and the Occult - Becky S. Friedman MW 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL2000.401 - Epic Tradition: Dido through the Ages - Rita Copeland TR 12-1:29pm
ENGL2315.401 - Saints and Sex Demons - Caroline Batten TR 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL2860.401 - Sex with Shakespeare - Abdulhamit Arvas TR 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL4500.301 - The Bible (The One Series) - Peter Emanuel Diamond TR 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL5245.940 - MLA Proseminar: Premodern Animals - Emily Steiner TBA
ENGL0510.401 - National Epics - David Wallace MW 12:00-1:29pm
ENGL2010.301 - Old English Language and Literature - Caroline Batten TR 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL0509.401 - Dante's Divine Comedy - Department Staff MW 12pm-1:29pm
ENGL1009.401 - Classical Traditions - Department Staff TR 1:45pm-3:14pm
ENGL1021.401 - Shakespeare in Love - Becky S. Friedman MW 5:15-6:44pm
ENGL1295.401 - Italian History on the Table - Eva Del Soldato MW 1:45-3:14pm
ENGL2000.401 - Epic Tradition - Rita Copeland TR 10:15-11:44am
ENGL4500.301 - King Lear from Shakespeare to Succession (The One Series) - George Perez MW 1:45-3:14pm