Graduate Graduation
Rules and Regulations for graduating, from the Graduate Catalog
The University awards degree three times a year (in May, August, and December). Please note that candidates for either the M.A. or the Ph.D. degree must apply for graduation: simply completing the requirements for degree will not initiate the graduation process; you must fill out an online application application for the degree, in the Office of the Graduate Division of Arts and Sciences, 3401 Walnut, 322A. Candidates for the Ph.D. degree should also pick up a copy of the "Doctoral Dissertation Manual," from the Dean's office, for instructions about the printing of the final draft of their dissertations.
For Ph.D. candidates, there is a fair amount of paperwork involved in graduating. Signatures must be gathered on various forms and submitted to GAS by specified dates, and the dissertation itself must be correctly formatted, duplicated, signed, and submitted by the deadline. It is the student's responsibility to complete these various bureaucratic steps properly and on time; the Graduate Coordinator cannot do these things for you. At the start of the term in which you expect to graduate, you should consult both the Rules and Regulations for graduating, and the Degree Calendar. (If these links have been changed, just go to the Graduate Division of the SAS homepage and follow their Graduation links.) If you have any questions, you should make an appointment to meet with Marco Manzo, the Admissions Coordinator of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Marco Manzo's office is located at 3401 Walnut, Room 322A, Philadelphia, PA, 19104.