Orchid Tierney Dissertation Talk and Celebration
- Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 11:00am to 1:00pm
Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge, room 135
Orchid Tierney will be giving a talk based on her completed dissertation on Wednesday, May 8 at 11 am in FBH Faculty Lounge. The title of her dissertation is Materials Poetics: Landfills and Waste Management in Contemporary Literature and Media. The talk will be followed by a discussion. Immediately after the discussion, we will celebrate Orchid getting her PhD and congratulate her on being appointed to a tenure-track position at Kenyon College, where she will be moving shortly.
Charles Bernstein, dissertation director
Al Filreis and Rahul Mukherjee, dissertation committee.
Featuring Orchid Tierney, Charles Bernstein, Al Filreis, Rahul Mukherjee