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Emily Hyde

Emily Hyde graduated from Yale University and received her Ph.D. from Princeton University in 2013. She is currently at work on a project titled "A Way of Seeing: Modernism, Illustration, and Postcolonial literature" which examines the global forms of mid-twentieth-century literature through the vexed status of the visual in late modernist and early postcolonial texts.

At Penn, she is teaching courses in modernism and science, modernisms and modernities, and photographic illustration. She has taught in the English Department at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and at Princeton University, and she spent four years as a teaching fellow for the Princeton University Preparatory Program.

Teaching and research interests include: modern and contemporary British and Anglophone literature, modernisms and modernities, postcolonial literature and theory, photography and literature, word and image studies, narrative and novel theory, and the documentary genre. 


Courses Taught

spring 2015

fall 2014

spring 2014

ENGL 059.401 Modernisms and Modernities  

fall 2013