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David Comberg

Charles Addams Fine Arts Hall 213

Office Hours

By Appointment

David Comberg is a graphic designer and teaches design and typography in the Fine Arts program at the University of Pennsylvania School of Design. He co-teaches Cultures of the Book with Peter Stallybrass and has recently developed a course on information design and visualization. He received his MFA in design from the Yale School of Art. He is a member of Class Action, a design collective and worked with Penn’s Rare Book and Manuscript Library and Kelly Writers House to establish the Common Press. He’s written observations, reviews, and profiles for Print, ID Magazine, Roadside, and Graphics International (UK).

Courses Taught

spring 2019

fall 2013

ENGL 034.401 Cultures of the Book  

fall 2009

spring 2008

ENGL 034.401 Cultures of the Book