- Friday, January 29, 2016 - 9:00am to 4:30pm
Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge (a.m) & Fisher-Bennett Hall 401 (p.m.)
9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Metamorphoses
J. M. Conway
“(Non-) Collaborators and Conflict: The French Translations of Ulysses”
Victoria Moffitt
“Compounded Metamorphoses: Myth and Varied Identities in Twentieth-Century Women’s Poetry”
Mabel Oviedo
“Undocumented, Forgotten, and Fighting for the American Dream: An Analysis of the Politics of Belonging in the United States”
Randi Kramer
“How Go Set a Watchman Became To Kill a Mockingbird: And, What that Evolution Can Reveal”
Faculty respondent: Josephine Park
10:30 – 10:45 a.m.: Break
10:45 – 12:15 p.m. Writing Violence, Figuring Illness
Sophia Lee
“Rape and Female Subjectivity in Shakespeare’s Lucrece”
Emily Chisholm
“Scotland’s Advantageous Ruin: Eighteenth-Century Ballads, Pamphlets, and a New Nationality”
Suzy Kim
“The Vanishing & the Dismembered: Serializing Flesh in the Novels of Charles Dickens”
Macile Dietrick
“Depression through Metaphors: On the Rhetoric of Illness”
Faculty respondent: Toni Bowers
12:15 – 1:15 p.m.: Lunch
1:15– 2:45 p.m. Early Modern Reverberations
Kyla Balkan
“Unpopular and Unlikeable: Performance and Literary Reactions to Constance in King John”
Lexi Malakhoff
“Let (63) Us (60) Once (15) Again (23) Assail (1) Your (217) Ears (6): Hearing Hamlet on the Pictorial Stage”
Kirara Sato
“‘Speak of me as I am’: The Different Races of ‘Black’ Othello”
John Baranik
“What Is Happening Now? Temporality in Milton’s Middle Sonnets”
Faculty Respondent: Zachary Lesser
2:45 – 3:00 p.m.: Break
3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Screen Time
Michael McBride
“Almost Masterpieces: Creativity, Commerce, and the Virtue of Failure in Hollywood”
Saraf Ahmed
“Identity as a Function of Gender in Christopher Nolan’s Films”
Meaghan Harding
“American Decay and Transformation: Breaking Bad and the Twenty-First Century”
Gabriel Ojeda-Sague
“Another, and then Another: Gay Male Orgy and Political Futurity”
Faculty Respondent: Timothy Corrigan
Featuring John M Conway, Victoria Nicole Moffitt, Mabel Oviedo, Randi S. Kramer, Sophia J. Lee, Emily M. Chisholm, Macile N. Dietrick, Toni Bowers, Kyla F Balkan, Alexandra L Malakhoff, Kirara Sato, John D Baranik, Zachary Lesser, Michael McBride, Saraf N Ahmed, Meaghan A. Harding, Gabriel A. Ojeda-Sague, Timothy Corrigan