Whether you call it climatological science-fiction or #clifi, speculative fiction about anthropogenic climate change is becoming an important site for thinking, feeling, and warning about earth’s changing environments. In this class we’ll study a cluster of recent cli-fi novels that project a variety of climate scenarios into the future. We’ll also look at fictions that explore humanity’s entanglement with non-human beings and environments, as well as at those that connect climate change in the present with scarce-resources, conflict, displacement, and environmental racism. Supplementary readings in the environmental humanities will introduce terms and concepts such as the Anthropocene, deep time, the great acceleration, the nonhuman turn, ecological grief, and climate justice. Primary texts by the likes of Octavia Butler, A. S. Byatt, Barbara Kingsolver, Richard Powers, Kim Stanley Robinson, Jesmyn Ward, Alexis Wright. For first-year students only.
Sector III: Arts & Letters (AUAL)