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Devin William Daniels


2023 Ph.D. Graduate
Dissertation Advisor(s): Josephine Park
"Informatic States: Administration, Identity, and Surveillance in the U.S. Novel, 1940–1977"

Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Bryn Mawr College


  • Ph.D., English, University of Pennsylvania (2023)

  • M.A., English, University of Pennsylvania (2018)

  • B.A., English and Philosophy with Honors in English, Penn State University (2011)

Devin William Daniels received his Ph.D from the Department of English at the University of Pennsylvania in 2023. His research examines 20th-century cultural production and the histories of surveillance, computing, security, and welfare, with particular regard to the historical forms of the novel and the state. His dissertation, "Informatic States: Administration, Identity, and Surveillance in the U.S. Novel, 1940–1977," considers how the novel understood, depicted, and engaged with the information systems and technologies of administration through which the state comes to "know," define, and interface with its populace and citizenry, from the New Deal to the dawn of neoliberalism. His work is published or forthcoming in RepresentationsMediationsEnglish Studies in Africa, Contemporaries at Post45, and Hyped on Melancholy

His other research and teaching interests include theories of the novel, Marxism, cinema, science-fiction, and critical data studies. Off the clock, he plays guitar in the post-punk band Recognitions, rides bicycles, and watches too much NBA (#TrustTheProcess). He will be serving as Visiting Assistant Professor at Bryn Mawr College for the 2023-24 academic year.




Courses Taught

fall 2022

fall 2021

ENGL 104.601 The Twentieth Century  

fall 2019

fall 2017