English Honors Thesis Symposium
- Friday, April 7, 2023 - 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge (room 135) and ZOOM
The English Honors Program provides majors with the opportunity to develop a substantial scholarly inquiry in close consultation with a faculty member. Selected students explore cutting-edge research, workshop their drafts with fellow thesis writers, and present their scholarship to the Department.
Join us as this year's English Honors students present their work in a special Symposium on Friday, April 7th!
2022–2023 English Honors Students
- Andrew Basile
- Emily Becker
- Francesca Davis
- Haley Nguyen
- Tiffany Park
- Quinn Robinson
- Sofia Sears
- Ashna Yakoob
Light refreshments to be provided!
Zoom link for those that can't attend in person: https://upenn.zoom.us/j/94215931733?pwd=RHFqVXhqM2hXbTZIbFJSTXg3VXJlZz09