- Wednesday, November 9, 2022 - 7:30pm to 8:30pm
Villanova University, Flakey Memorial Library Room 205
https://library.villanova.edu/events/event_series/scholarship-villanova-program/alice-daileys-how-do-things-dead-people-conversation-and-celebration Please join us on Wednesday, Nov. 9 from 7:30-8:30 p.m. in Falvey Memorial Library's Room 205 for an event titled "Alice Dailey's How To Do Things with Dead People: History, Technology, and Temporality from Shakespeare to Warhol, A Conversation and Celebration." You can also REGISTER HERE to join virtually on the evening of the event.
Together Alice Dailey, PhD, Professor, Department of English, Villanova University; Peter Holland PhD, McMeel Family Professor in Shakespeare Studies, University Of Notre Dame; and Melissa Sanchez, PhD, Donald T. Regan Professor of English and Comparative Literature, University of Pennsylvania will discuss Alice Dailey's recently published book, How to Do Things with Dead People: History, Technology, and Temporality from Shakespeare to Warhol (Cornell University Press, 2022).
How to Do Things with Dead People: History, Technology, and Temporality from Shakespeare to Warhol studies human contrivances for representing and relating to the dead. Dailey takes as her principal objects of inquiry Shakespeare's English history plays, describing them as reproductive mechanisms by which living replicas of dead historical figures are regenerated in the present and re-killed. Considering the plays in these terms exposes their affinity with a transhistorical array of technologies for producing, reproducing, and interacting with dead things—technologies such as literary doppelgängers, photography, ventriloquist puppetry, X-ray imaging, glitch art, capital punishment machines, and cloning.
This ACS-approved event is co-sponsored by the Department of English and Falvey Memorial Library. Light refreshments will be served.
Featuring Melissa E. Sanchez