- Wednesday, September 22, 2021 - 4:30pm to 6:00pm
Graduate Lounge (FBH 330)
I am delighted to announce our first hybrid meeting of the year, on Wednesday, September 22 in the English Department Grad Lounge (FBH 330) at 4:30pm. A small reception with wine and cheese will follow the event and take place outdoors from 6:00-6:45 pm. We will be welcoming Professor Emily Steiner to discuss her paper, "Neck Verse."
Professor Steiner writes:
Thanks for reading this! This is truly a work-in-progress, my first attempt
to write a chapter of a new book on “medievalisms-at-law,” by which I mean outmoded or anachronistic practices that inhere in law and literature and shape our relationship to the past. I look forward to discussing this piece with you next week. Hag Sameach! Emily
Emily's paper is available via the PennKey-protected link on the Premodern Studies website. Alternatively, we are happy to provide electronic copies via email upon request.
As with all of our in-person events this year, seminar attendees are required to wear masks when indoors and be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. If you are unable to attend the seminar in-person (for whatever reason), but would still like to participate, we will have a "Zoom-in" option available.
Featuring Emily Steiner