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  • Wednesday, May 19, 2021 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Location: Zoom

or rising 6th-years and other advanced grad students thinking of applying for jobs and/or postdocs next fall, I will be holding an information session on May 19 (a Wednesday) at 1:30pm. We can talk about what stage your dissertation might be at when you are ready to apply, what application materials are required and what those might look like, search timelines, communication with your committee, and other questions. Grads at earlier stages in the program do not need to attend—though if you are thinking, for instance, of applying for MFA-only jobs, or if you feel a need for some advance preparation for other reasons, the session is open to anyone.

While this info session will focus on the academic job market and the specific application materials and hiring process it involves, I am also here to support anyone applying for nonacademic jobs. There will be additional workshops in the fall focusing on various career paths, both internally and via the Career Services office. I will also be circulating an updated version of our Job Market Handbook shortly after the session.

(see grad listserv or contact Emily Steinlight for meeting link)