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A reading by students of Lorene Cary
  • Tuesday, December 11, 2018 - 4:30pm to 5:30pm

Kelly Writers House, 3805 Locust Walk, Arts Cafe

Come find out what Lorene Cary’s improvisational workshop has been up to this semester, with students reading from work that explores the personal and political lives of young people. This course was designed as a group internship in association with, a blog and social movement devoted to promoting safe havens for children and youth. Students share the results, including experiences from the powerful citywide campaign to get "Vote Virgins" to the polls at the midterm elections under the banner of “Vote That Jawn.”

All events take place at the Kelly Writers House, 3805 Locust Walk, and are free of charge. If you have any questions or would like further information, please e-mail, or call 215-746-7636. For a more detailed Writers House calendar,  visit