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A conversation with Sandra de la Loza, Fran Ilich and Jennifer Ponce de León on history as insurgency
  • Friday, September 22, 2017 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Slought Foundation
4017 Walnut Street

How does history forge our sense of the world and possibilities for changing it? How has it represented capitalist conquest, dispossession, and colonial logics as natural or inevitable, while attempting to eradicate all traces of alternative social projects or make them appear senseless, minor, or anachronistic? How have artists modeled other ways of thinking about history and the insurgency of practices and worldviews that (while consigned, by some, to the past or to the margins) are a vital compass for charting a path beyond ongoing conquest, environmental destruction, and genocide? How are artists participating in contemporary anticolonial struggles, including through the forging of networks and extradisciplinary practices that extend far beyond the purview of the arts?

The conversation will address these questions through a discussion of the transdisciplinary art practices of Sandra de la Loza and Fran Ilich, whose work appears in the exhibition. It will also include the exhibition's curator, Professor Jennifer Ponce de León.