- Thursday, April 6, 2017 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
FBH Grad. Lounge 330
This workshop will consider how to support trans and gender non-conforming students in classroom settings and in the culture of your department. We will discuss best practices for making the classroom a gender inclusive space, as well as how to make meetings, workshops and other departmental events welcoming to trans and gender non-conforming people. We will begin by considering basic strategies--including how to ask people's preferred gender pronouns (PGPs) and where on campus to find gender neutral restrooms--then shift our conversation to think more broadly about the daily means by which it is possible to create a departmental and institutional culture that is welcoming to people of all genders. All graduate students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the English department and so may be most useful to students in related fields.
This is a crucial and long overdue conversation and we hope to you see many of you there.
the workshop will be lead by Erin Cross, Senior Associate Director, UPenn LGBT Center. <https://www.ctl.upenn.edu/event-category/graduate-student-workshop>
Featuring Davy Knittle, Ava L.J. Kim, Najnin Islam