Experimental Writing Seminar: Uncreative Writing
The workshop will be structured around a set of writing experiments that emphasize nontraditional and invented forms, including chance operations and procedures/algorithms/constraints; visual, digital and sound poetry; collaboration; English to English and homophonic (sound) translations/transformations; ideolect (imaginary language); and free-associative writing. Part of each session each week will be focused on reading a series of assigned “exemplary” works; however, the main focus will be on writing by participants. Web and listserv will be actively used. Likely readings: Raymond Queneau, Exercises in Style; Christian Bök, Eunoia; and Peter Baker, ed., Onward: Contemporary Poetry and Poetics; plus intensive use the Electronic Poetry Center (epc.buffalo.edu) and Ubuweb (ubuweb.com). Final project will consist of a collectively edited magazine or individual chapbooks.
"Students interested in taking the class should submit a brief writing sample to Professor Charles Bernstein, Department of English, 119 Bennett Hall/6273. Also, include your name, last four digits of your social security number, E-mail, address where you can be reached. Permit is required from the instructor."