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Old English and Its Afterlives

ENGL 501.401
also offered as: HIST 590, COML 502, GRMN 510
Wednesdays 9-12:00

The first half or more of this course will be devoted to the study of 8th-12th-century language and literature, with attention to grammar, metrics, translation, and transmission. We will cover a wide range of texts, such as the Life of Saint Andrew, a saint who saved his followers from cannibals; Aelfric's Preface to his landmark translation of the bible; King Alfred the Great's Preface to Gregory's Pastoral Care, a brilliant meditation on the relationship between memory and culture; Wulfstan’s thunderous Sermon to the English, which rebukes the Anglo-Saxons for stooping to fratricide, incest, and child slavery during the Viking invasions; the very strange collection of monstrosities and prodigies, which we call The Wonders of the East; “Caedmon’s Hymn”, what might just be the first recorded poem in English, supposedly composed by an illiterate cowherd; and the stunningly beautiful lyric poem “The Dream of Rood” in which the Cross recounts its heroics during the Crucifixion.

In the second half of the course we will turn to post-Conquest literature (and beyond), as we explore the ways that medieval and early modern writers documented and theorized the Anglo-Saxon past. This section of the course will be determined part by student interests. Our questions will include the following: what constitutes a significant event? In what ways do different genres - chronicles, saints' lives, encyclopedias, sermons, romances, genealogies, geographies - offer competing or affirming views of the past? How do linguistic change and continuity matter? What impact did the Anglo-Saxons’ pressing concerns with conquest, anonymity, decadence, and suffering have on later writers? And how did pre-Conquest England serve the needs of later English propaganda, antiquarianism, and reform?

Students are not expected to know Old English, but we will need to get up to speed pretty quickly.

fulfills requirements
Sector 1: Theory and Poetics of the Standard Major
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
Sector 3: Early Literature to 1660 of the Standard Major
Pre-1900 Seminar Requirement of the Standard Major