52 Essays on Art and Reflection in Medicine
Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Slought Foundation, Penn Medicine, and Health Ecologies Lab, Philadelphia
Lyndsay Hoy and Aaron Levy, Editors
Arts Engagement | Caregiving | Medical Humanities
Rx/Museum brings the museum experience to the clinician with 52 artworks from the collections of our partnering arts institutions. An invitation to find meaning through the everyday ritual of arts engagement, this publication seeks to galvanize deep and sustained reflection about the power of the arts and humanities in times of crisis. In these pages, the arts reveal themselves as integral to fostering humanistic learning and growth in medicine, as well as meaningful connection and shared experience within medicine and beyond.
The publication will be available for purchase through the Slought Foundation bookshop and museum partners; it is also forthcoming as an eBook through Amazon, Apple Books, and other online retailers. Limited copies are freely available to the Penn Medicine community and each academic department through the support of the Office of Academic Affairs in the Perelman School of Medicine. Contact us to request a copy.
978-1-936994-1-37 (Paperback ISBN) | ISBN 978-1-936994-1-44 (ebook ISBN)
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