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Christos Kalli


Christos Kalli (he/him), born and raised in Cyprus, is a doctoral student in the Department of English at the University of Pennsylvania. He studies modern and contemporary poetry and poetics, with a special interest in the contemporary epic, the relationship between sex and poetry, and the state. For 2023-2024, he is a Harrison Graduate Fellow. In 2024, he was awarded The Peregrine Prize from the Academy of American Poets

His critical writing appears in the Los Angeles Review of Books, the Chicago Review of Books, the Harvard Review, the Hopkins ReviewPoetry Northwest, and World Literature Today.

His poems have been published in Prairie SchoonerSalt HillMuzzleNinth LetterThe Adroit Journal, the National Poetry ReviewRadarThe Hollins Criticthe minnesota reviewDunes ReviewHobart, and The Penn Review.

In addition to editing The Cambridge Pamphlet (2019), he has been an Associate Poetry Editor of Stirring (2019-2021) and has served on the editorial board of The Adroit Journal (2017-2019).

He has previously taught or help teach courses on American Literature, World Literature, and the Beatles.