Professor Herman Beavers receives 2021 Charles Ludwig Prize for Distinguished Teaching
May 11, 2021
The Student Committee on Undergraduate Education and the College Alumni Society have awarded the 2021 Charles Ludwig Prize for Distinguished Teaching to Herman Beavers, who is Julie Beren Platt and Marc E. Platt President’s Distinguished Professor of English and Africana Studies. The Ludwig Prize “recognizes a School of Arts and Sciences standing faculty member who has demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to the engagement of students as active and interactive participants in the learning process.”
For more about Professor Beavers’s teaching, see this 2016 Penn Today piece about the inaugural Netter Center Faculty-Community Partnership Award he and his collaborators received for his Academically Based Community Service course “August Wilson and Beyond”; and this 2019 OMNIA article about the connections between his lives as poet, scholar of African American literature, and community-engaged teacher.
Featuring Herman Beavers