- Thursday, April 15, 2021 - 4:30pm to 6:00pm
Location: Zoom
Please join for a conversation with Max Fox, editor of Christopher Chitty's Sexual Hegemony: Statecraft, Sodomy, and Capital in the Rise of the World System published by Duke University Press in 2020.
Optional reading for this event includes the "Introduction" by Chris Nealon and Chapter 1, "Homosexuality and Capitalism." Penn Libraries provides faculty and students virtual access to these selections from Sexual Hegemony.
Please register in advance at Zoom registration link: https://upenn.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIkcu-pqjwuGNz_cA30wufSXVz2mKxdYShr
Max Fox is a founding editor of Pinko magazine, a former editor for New Inquiry, and translator of Amphitheater of the Dead.
Hosted by Ricardo Bracho, Sachs Artist-in-Residence, Alice Paul Center/Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies
Featuring Ricardo Bracho